Willow Class Blog: Week of 19th November 2024
Hello Willow families! Here’s a quick update on all the exciting things happening in our class, including some home learning tasks for our snow day! Snow Day Home Learning ❄️We hope you’re all keeping warm and safe! For any Year 3 or Year 4 students who are looking for some maths home learning to keep them busy during the snow day, here are the details:
Homework Reminder 📚Some parents have asked for clarification on our weekly homework routine. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Sewing Skills in DT 🧵We’ve had our second sewing lesson, and the children are really enjoying learning how to tie knots, thread needles, and use running stitch. They are doing an amazing job, and we’re looking forward to using these new skills in upcoming projects. Greta’s Button Workshop 🌱There’s an exciting opportunity coming up for the children! Greta's Button Workshop is offering some wonderful learning experiences over the next few weeks. If you’re interested, there’s a poster with more details available – check it out! That’s all for this week! Stay warm and enjoy your snow day, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or need further details about the homework tasks. Mrs Hoole and the Year 3/4 Team Willow Class Blog: Week 12th November 2024
Hello Willow families, What a fantastic week we’ve had in Year 3/4! The children have been busy with a range of exciting activities, and I’m thrilled to share all the highlights with you. Bookery Visit and New Books 📚On Monday, we had a lovely visit from The Bookery in Crediton. Each child was given a free book to keep, and the Bookery team took great care in helping the children choose something they would truly enjoy. It’s been wonderful to see the children so excited about reading, and we’ve already heard them chatting about their new books. A big thank you to FONTs (Friends of North Tawton School) who also kindly donated books for our school library – they will be available to borrow very soon! Published Legends in English ✍️In English, we’ve been working hard on our legend stories, and we’re so impressed with how they’ve turned out! The children have not only written some fantastic pieces but have also illustrated the borders of their work beautifully, matching the themes of their stories. It’s been a pleasure to see them so engaged in their writing, and we can’t wait to see how they continue to develop as writers. Maths – Addition, Subtraction & Practice at Home ➕➖In Maths this week, we’ve been focusing on addition and subtraction, and the children have been working hard on column methods. A helpful tip for practising at home: please encourage your child to work on quick number facts like adding and subtracting 1-digit numbers (e.g., 7 + 8, 9 - 5). This will help them feel more confident when working with 3-digit numbers. Book Club – Book Reviews 📖We’ve finished our latest book in Book Club, and today the children wrote their book reviews. The ending was a bit of a surprise for everyone, which was a fun twist! The children were so thoughtful with their reviews, sharing what they liked, didn’t like, and how the story made them feel. It’s been a joy to see their critical thinking and reflections grow. History – The Romans and How They Changed Britain 🏛️In History, we’ve been learning all about the Romans and their impact on Britain. The children have enjoyed exploring how Roman culture and innovations changed life in Britain. They also used the internet to research and completed a quiz to test their knowledge. It’s been great to see their enthusiasm for the topic! Learning to Sew 🧵The children had a go at learning some practical skills today. They learned how to tie a knot, thread a needle, and do running stitch. It was a great way to develop their fine motor skills, and we hope to use these skills in future projects. Music – Jumble Jams 🎶In Music, we’ve been learning to play Jumble Jams. We discovered that the song is in G major and spent time learning to play the G, C, and D chords. The children had a blast playing along to the 12-bar blues, and we’re looking forward to making more music together this term. A Quick Reminder about Christmas 🎄As Christmas approaches, I’d like to gently remind everyone that different families have different beliefs and traditions. Some children have been discussing Father Christmas at school, and we need to be mindful of the fact that this is a magical time for many families. Let’s keep the spirit of awe and wonder alive for all the children in the class, regardless of their personal beliefs. That’s all for this week! Thank you for your continued support, and I hope the children are enjoying their work as much as we are. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead! Mrs Nuthall Year 3/4 Willow Class Teacher Willow Class Blog:
Hello Willow families, It’s been a wonderful week in Willow Class! Here’s a quick look at what we’ve been up to: English – Writing Legends 📝In English, we’ve continued working on writing our own legends, drawing inspiration from The Mermaid of Zennor. Today, we focused on proofreading our work together to ensure our legends are clear and well-crafted. The children have been so creative with their ideas, and it's been lovely to see their stories come to life! Gymnastics in PE 🤸♀️In PE, we’ve begun a new half-term unit on gymnastics. The children have been learning a variety of different movements and putting them together into short routines in small groups. It’s been fantastic to see their teamwork and creativity in action as they build their routines! Science – Rocks and the Rock Cycle 🪨We’ve started our new Science unit all about Rocks and the Rock Cycle. The children have been sharing some incredible prior knowledge, which has led to some really interesting discussions. We’ll be exploring how rocks are formed and how they change over time – it’s already shaping up to be an exciting topic! French with Marion Banks The children are lucky to have Marion Banks joining us for French lessons on Monday afternoons. They thoroughly enjoyed their first session this week, and it's been wonderful to see their enthusiasm for learning a new language. Show and Tell 🌟Show and Tell this week was such a lovely experience! The children shared a variety of items – from toys to photos, and even certificates – and it was great to see them answering questions and proudly talking about their chosen items. It’s always such a great opportunity for them to practise their speaking and listening skills. Parents’ Evening 🗓️Parents’ evenings are coming up next week! Mrs Nuthall’s meetings will be on Monday, 11th November, and Mrs Hoole’s on Wednesday, 13th November. There is also a chance for an appointment on Wednesday, 20th November, if needed. The sign-up sheets will be available in the shelter after school tomorrow, so please do pop by to reserve a slot. If you have any specific topics you’d like to discuss, feel free to message us ahead of time so we can make sure we’re fully prepared to answer all your questions. That’s all for this week! We’re looking forward to another busy and fun-filled week ahead. Thank you as always for your continued support. Enjoy the rest of your week! Mrs Nuthall Year 3/4 Willow Class Teacher Hello Willow families!
As we wrap up another busy week before half term, here's what we've been getting up to in Year 3/4. It's been a week of learning, creativity, and lots of fun, as always! Times Tables and Geometric Patterns 🎨🧮We kicked off the week with some times tables fun! The children worked hard on their multiplication skills while also spotting geometric and number patterns in everyday objects. We even got a bit arty by creating our own wallpaper prints based on those patterns. It was a brilliant combination of Maths and creativity! Maths – A New Way of Working 🧮This week, Mrs Hoole took the time to explain a bit about how we structure our maths lessons with both Year 3 and Year 4. It’s a bit like plate spinning, but we’re getting really good at it! For Year 4, we start by doing a group input and practising a few example questions together. Meanwhile, Year 3 work independently, reviewing previous work through KUCU (Keep Up, Catch Up) tasks. This week, Year 3 worked on reviewing odds and evens, which was a great refresher! Then I do the Year 3 input while Year 4 complete their tasks, and after that, we all come back together to work on word problems. Those who need a little extra support work in small groups with our TA or get some one-on-one help. It’s been fantastic to see the Year 4s becoming so independent with their learning, and Year 3 are making great progress too. One skill we’ve been focusing on recently is using estimation and the inverse to check our calculations. This helps the children become more confident when solving problems independently. Rock Star Times Tables Day 🎸Next Friday, we’ll be celebrating Times Tables Rock Star Day! The children are encouraged to come dressed as rock stars (or in their own clothes if a rock star outfit isn't on hand). It's going to be a great way to add some fun into our maths learning. Don't forget to get your rock star gear ready! Catapults Complete! 🏰After a couple of weeks of hard work, we’ve finally finished our Roman-style catapults! The children have really enjoyed learning about stability, structure, and teamwork throughout this project. We talked about how design is all about trial and error, and resilience was key to getting it right. The teamwork skills they’ve developed have been fantastic to see – they really helped each other out and communicated well to solve problems. Show and Tell After Half Term 📅A quick reminder that after half term, the children will have the chance to take part in Show and Tell during our class assemblies. They can bring in anything they're proud of or would like to share, whether it’s a certificate, a toy, or even a photo! We’ve made a schedule to make sure everyone gets a turn, and the children are really excited about this opportunity. That’s all for this week! I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable half term break. We’ve worked so hard this term, and it’s great to see how much progress the children are making. See you in November! Enjoy the break, Mrs Nuthall Year 3/4 Willow Class Teacher
Hello everyone,
Here's what’s been happening in Year 3/4 Willow this week. We’ve been busy with lots of engaging activities, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it! Reading and Inference This week, we’ve been focusing on inference skills, which means there might be more than one correct answer for some questions. It’s great to see the children thinking deeply about the text! Just a reminder to bring in homework books tomorrow, as we’ll start with a spelling test right at the beginning of the day. This will help you keep track of your child’s scores! Leaflet Writing In English, we’ve started writing our advice leaflets using key words, conjunctions, and commands. Inspired by our book "Here We Are," we’ve been discussing important topics like health, kindness, and taking care of our planet. The children had some fantastic ideas to share, and we even took a wriggle break to keep our energy up! Spelling and Handwriting We’ve also begun our spelling programme this week. Year 3 practised their handwriting, while Year 4 explored prefixes. After that, we swapped activities! Year 4 worked independently in their spelling journals, while Year 3 focused on learning their new spellings. It’s wonderful to see their progress and enthusiasm for language! PE Fun Just a quick note: we have an extra PE lesson tomorrow! Please ensure your child brings their PE kit. If you can’t manage it in time, don’t worry; school uniform will be perfectly fine for this lesson. Looking Ahead As we continue through September, I’m excited to see all the amazing things our students will achieve. We’re focusing not just on academics but also on building a supportive and kind classroom community. Let’s keep encouraging each other as we learn and grow together! Thank you for your continued support, and have a fantastic week ahead! Year 3/4 team Hello, everyone! I’m excited to share what’s been happening in Year 3/4. As the new school year gets underway, we’ve been busy learning, exploring, and having fun! Book Club Adventures This week in book club, we’ve started reading "The Firework-Maker’s Daughter" by Philip Pullman. The children have been doing a fantastic job of finding definitions for unfamiliar words using dictionaries. It’s wonderful to see their curiosity and enthusiasm for new vocabulary! Reading is such an important part of our learning, and it’s great to hear the kids discussing the story and its characters. Science Exploration In Science, we’ve continued our exciting exploration of different states of matter. Today, we made Oobleck, a fun mixture of solids and liquids. The children loved experimenting with this gooey substance! We have lots more experiments planned for this term, and I can’t wait to see what we discover together. Healthy Living in English In English, we’ve been discussing what we need to do to stay healthy. The children had some engaging group discussions and practiced writing commands using apostrophes. They came up with great sentences like, “Don’t forget to stay hydrated!” It’s so important to learn about health and wellbeing. Maths Adventures In Maths, we’ve been exploring place value using thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones. The children are getting really good at recognising the value of different digits, and I’m proud of their progress! Important Reminders As we settle into the new school year, I’d like to remind everyone to bring their reading folders to school each day. If your child has a pencil case at home, it would be wonderful if they could bring it in. We’ll provide the pens and pencils they need, but having their own supplies will help keep their desk space tidy and promote independence. It’s been a fantastic start to the school year, and I’m looking forward to seeing all the wonderful things we’ll learn and achieve together. Let’s keep up the great work and support each other as we dive deeper into our subjects. Have a lovely week ahead, everyone! Year 3/4 team # Welcome to Year 3/4 Willow Class!
*Date: September 3, 2024* Hello, Willow Class families! We’re excited to share that the new school year has officially begun, and what a fantastic start it has been! This week, our classroom has been buzzing with energy and enthusiasm as the children settle in and get to know each other. A Great Start to the Year It’s been a pleasure witnessing the two year groups—Year 3 and Year 4—interacting and forming a supportive classroom community. Although they have different dynamics, both groups are filled with wonderful children! Year 4 students have shown calmness and maturity, setting a positive example for their Year 3 peers, who are bursting with bright ideas and energy. Creative Arts We kicked off our art lessons this week with a focus on shading techniques and pattern creation. The students have been exploring various ways to express their creativity, and I’m looking forward to seeing their nature-inspired drawings in the coming weeks! English and Writing Skills In English, we have established our “non-negotiables” for writing and practiced cursive and pre-cursive handwriting. The children are becoming more confident in their writing, which is fantastic to see! Maths and Technology For maths, we completed a baseline quiz and worked on logging into computers. The students practiced using their individual usernames and passwords, which was a bit of a challenge due to the mix of letters and symbols, but they tackled it impressively! Physical Education We also had our first PE lesson with Coach Charlie. Regular PE classes will be on Mondays and Wednesdays, so please ensure your child comes prepared in their kit. Communication and Homework I’ve sent home reading records and homework this week. Please have your child choose ten spellings from the highlighted list to practice. We will continue the homework system used in Beech class last year, with a book sent home every Friday that includes spellings, a short math exercise, and reading tasks. Looking Forward As we move into the next week, I’m excited to continue fostering a love of learning and collaboration in our classroom. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing everyone soon! Have a lovely weekend! Best wishes, Year 3 team Hello, everyone! We have been learning all about Roman Britain today and the reason for the Roman invasion. As part of our recent history lessons in Year 3/4, we’ve been exploring this significant event and its lasting impact on our country. The Romans invaded Britain in AD 43, led by Emperor Claudius. There were several key reasons for this monumental decision:
1. Economic Gain: Britain was rich in resources such as metals, agricultural products, and valuable goods. The Romans sought to control these resources to boost their economy. 2. Military Strategy: The Romans wanted to strengthen their military presence in the region. By conquering Britain, they could protect their empire from potential invasions and threats from tribes in the area. 3. Political Prestige: Conquering new lands was a way for Roman leaders to gain power and prestige. Successful invasions often led to glory and recognition back in Rome. 4. Cultural Influence: The Romans aimed to spread their culture and way of life, introducing Roman laws, architecture, and language to the conquered territories. Maths Adventures with Number Lines We also had a great time in Maths this week. WE introduced empty number lines, and the children filled them in with different counting methods. Most started at zero and counted in ones, but I was particularly impressed when Emily raised her hand and asked what we were counting in. This sparked a discussion about the versatility of number lines. We tried counting in hundreds and twenties, as well as starting from higher numbers. Number lines are incredibly useful for visualising multiplication and division, and the class really grasped this concept. Wrapping Up As we continue our exploration of the Romans and their impact on Britain, I’m excited to see what else the children will discover! Thank you for your continued support, and have a wonderful week ahead! Best wishes, Year 3/4 team |
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