At North Tawton Community Primary School and Nursery there is a very smooth transition for children that have already attended the Nursery. We recognise however, that they will not be used to attending every day for the whole day therefore we have adopted a staggered entry system, to ensure they gradually become used to the longer day in Reception Class.
The First Three Weeks
In the Summer Term before your child starts in the Reception Year of the Foundation Stage we hold an Information evening for the parents of the new intake. This is an opportunity for you to hear about the areas of learning your child will be experiencing and the daily routines within the unit.
Before your child starts in the Reception Year we ask you to help develop your child's fine motor skills and encourage your child to be as independent as possible. Please help him/her to practice the following tasks:-
When at school, we encourage the children to be completely independent and responsible for their own uniform, we understand this takes time to learn therefore if their uniform is named you are helping them and us considerably. Not knowing how to recognise their belongings can create a very insecure feeling and be quite worrying for children. Please name your child’s entire uniform, (see separate list). Wellington boots and waterproofs are also a required part of the uniform in the FSU. You can order most of the uniform from the school office.
We have Book Bags for sale, which are very manageable and practical for the children to use, enabling them to keep the following in;
Please note water bottles need to be carried separately so the books don’t get spoiled.
The First Three Weeks
- In week 3 the children will be in full time from 8.45am until 3.20pm.
In the Summer Term before your child starts in the Reception Year of the Foundation Stage we hold an Information evening for the parents of the new intake. This is an opportunity for you to hear about the areas of learning your child will be experiencing and the daily routines within the unit.
Before your child starts in the Reception Year we ask you to help develop your child's fine motor skills and encourage your child to be as independent as possible. Please help him/her to practice the following tasks:-
- dress and undress, so he/she can change shoes, put on and do up coats and know whether clothes are inside out and ready to put on;
- open and close lunch box and school bag;
- use the toilet correctly and know why and how to wash hands afterwards;
- use a handkerchief appropriately (to decrease the spread of infection)
- use a knife, fork and spoon
When at school, we encourage the children to be completely independent and responsible for their own uniform, we understand this takes time to learn therefore if their uniform is named you are helping them and us considerably. Not knowing how to recognise their belongings can create a very insecure feeling and be quite worrying for children. Please name your child’s entire uniform, (see separate list). Wellington boots and waterproofs are also a required part of the uniform in the FSU. You can order most of the uniform from the school office.
We have Book Bags for sale, which are very manageable and practical for the children to use, enabling them to keep the following in;
Please note water bottles need to be carried separately so the books don’t get spoiled.