Hey everyone! It's that time again—time to catch up on the awesome things we've been up to in Year 3 this week. From spinning cautionary tales to diving into the world of plants, we've had a blast. Let's dive into the highlights!
Hey everyone! It's time for our weekly roundup from Year 3, where we've been diving into new stories, exploring the world of measurements, and jamming out to some cool tunes. Let's get to it!
Hey everyone!
Let's revisit the epic learning journey that was our week in Year 3. Spoiler alert: it was filled with suspense, creativity, and a whole lot of fun! Our week kicked off with a deep dive into the world of suspense with "Mr. Penguin and the Lost Treasure" by Alex Smith. We analysed how the author expertly crafted suspenseful moments, keeping us on the edge of our seats with every turn of the page. It was like being detectives, unravelling the secrets of storytelling! In English class, we put our imaginations to the test by crafting our own version of the beloved story "Flotsam" called "Jetsam." Armed with pens and paper, we let our creativity run wild as we spun tales of underwater adventures and mysterious discoveries. We even started illustrating our books this afternoon—talk about bringing our stories to life! Numbers were our jam in Maths this week as we delved into the world of fractions. But we didn't stop there! We put our reasoning caps on and tackled fractions of objects like true mathematicians. In wider curriculum we explored the intricate parts of flowers, learning about pistils, stamens, and petals. In PSHE, we discovered how the body's organs work together like a well-oiled machine, keeping us healthy and happy. And to top it all off, we even learned to play a new chord on the ukulele! We also have had a change to the PE days so make sure to be in PE kit on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Have a brilliant weekend in the sun!! Miss Wallis and the Year 3 Team In Willow class this week, we have continued learning how to add fractions with Miss Wallis. With Mrs Hoole we have been reviewing multiplying a 2 and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. We used dienes and counters to make equal groups. Some of us were able to use partitioning to quickly multiply in our heads. E.g 307 x 5 = (300 x 5) + (7 x 5).
In English we have been predicting what will happen next in Flotsam. We have also sequenced the story using pictures and rewritten the story in our own words. We used fronted adverbials of time, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases to make our writing more interesting. In Music, we continued learning how to play the ukulele. This week we listened carefully to see if each string was in tune. We talked about pitch and tried to match our vocal pitch to the pitch of each string. Some children have a natural ability 'to sing in tune' while others struggle to hear and then sing the same note. Sadly I will be moving into Year 2 for the remainder of the term. I know that Miss Wallis will continue with the ukuleles as she's pretty good herself! I will really miss teaching Willow class but will be working with them in a different way in my role as assistant SENDco. I will also see them in singing assembly and around the school. Have a lovely bank holiday weekend, Mrs Hoole Hey everyone! Here's a quick rundown of what went down in Year 3 this week:
We got absorbed into the book "Mr. Penguin and the Lost Treasure" and got to know the quirky character of Colin the spider. In English, we wrote letters with fancy expanded noun phrases, describing fantastical underwater photos from "Flotsam" to imaginary scientists. In Maths, we tackled equivalent fractions using bar models and number lines. We began our ancient Greece history unit and explored the classical antiquity's of the ancient civilisation. We got our hands dirty exploring the world of plants in science class planting our broad bean seeds. Thank you so much for bringing in toilet roll tubes! Our broad beans are planted ready for our science experiment, ‘What do plants need to grow?’ We will keep you updated on their progress over the coming weeks! In Music we had a double lesson today with some time spent using Chrome Music Lab to create different types of rhythms. We also started learning the ukulele. We learnt how to hold the instrument and how to strum and finger pick. That's a wrap for this week, folks! Stay tuned for more adventures in Year 3. 📚🔢🏛️🌿 Dear Parents, Welcome back after the Easter break! It was lovely to see the sunshine this week as we returned to our Year 3 classroom, bringing a sense of warmth and renewal. In our English lessons, we explored non-fiction and fiction texts. One of the highlights was reading the captivating picture book "Flotsam" by David Wiesner. This wordless book takes readers on a visual journey through stunning illustrations of a mysterious underwater camera's adventures, sparking imagination and curiosity. Today, we practiced using fronted adverbials of time to write postcards, imagining ourselves in different places and times through our descriptive narratives. We used 'Flotsam' for inspiration and imaged we had found a camera with images from deep undersea! In Maths, we continued our work on fractions, learning more about unit and non-unit fractions. We also revisited subtracting multiples of 10 across a hundred, like solving problems such as 234 - 50. To help us understand this concept, we used Dienes blocks, giving us a hands-on experience with concrete equipment. In Music class, we kept exploring Chrome Music Maker. Students focused on creating melodies and adding rhythmic elements, experimenting with different sounds and patterns to compose their own musical pieces. As we start this new term filled with learning and exploration, let's enjoy the sunny days and the opportunities they bring for us to learn and grow together. Warm regards, Year 3 team |
July 2024
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