Hi Everyone
We have had a really busy week completing assessments in reading and maths. The children have showed in their maths how they are starting to master column method independently and they have really applied themselves to every question. The challenge really rises in KS2 and they have done admirably. They should be really proud of themselves. You will see a lot of Dojos going on! The children have written their geography essay focusing on what causes volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. They know about tectonic plates and we have discussed the Ring of Fire. Ms Boyce has also taught them earthquakes drills so they are all prepared should we have one...! In computing, the children can write yes/no questions and make a branching database. I'm sure they will be able to show you. We used the playground and some chalk to sort our class by our different attributes. In Life Skills, we investigated Fake News and thought about how we can spot it. Next week, we are looking forward to making our own branching databases. We will be writing a haiku and getting further into our maths work on fractions. Hope you have a good rest of the week and weekend. Miss Keen Hello Everyone
I hope you are well. The children have written some fantastic letters and postcards about volcanoes. They have been demonstrating what they have learnt about volcanoes which is a lot! In maths, they have been learning how to measure the perimeter of a 2D shape and they are becoming experts at this. On Monday, they were fraud investigators working on a loan fraud in our Life Skills lessons. They know how to keep their personal information safe now and should have some top tips to share. In computing, we have started learning about branching databases and they have been thinking about yes/no questions. We are looking forward to writing our geography essay next week on why volcanoes erupt and earthquakes happen. In maths, we will be starting work on fractions. We will also be continuing our computing. Hope you have a good Friday and weekend! Miss Keen and the Year 3 team We have been really busy this week!
Hi Everyone
AuthorWelcome to the blog for Willow Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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