Dear Everyone,
Can't believe it is half term already! We have had a busy week. We have finished our fractions unit in maths and will be moving on to money next. In English, we have started reading The Myth Atlas which is all about myths from other cultures. We have read Greek myths to support our learning in history. In Life Skills, we carried on learning about being healthy by thinking about the role exercise plays. The children designed their own fitness trails outside and then tried out each others. In Art, we have continued learning about weaving. The children have practised some useful skills in this unit - tying knots, creating patterns by going under and over, choosing colours carefully and most importantly concentration, patience and resilience. In Music we have been singing African songs in rounds. We have also been practising an Abba song - 'Thank you for the Music'. We have been focusing on using our voices to raise the roof (without shouting). We love the message in this amazing song. Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing Thanks for all the joy they're bringing Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty What would life be? Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music For giving it to me Have a lovely week off, Willow class! Year 3 team |
July 2024
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