Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust
Our Trust, which was created in January 2018, consists of 17 schools, over 5000 pupils/students and 750 adults, who have come together based on a shared vision which encompasses the values of both the Cooperative movement and the Church of England. We are excited about the opportunities that such a cross phase Trust is able to offer our community.
We are committed to create an ambitious, forward thinking learning environment for all our pupils, students and staff. There will be opportunities for everyone connected to the Trust to grow and develop and therefore fulfil their ambitions. Our Vision: To provide the highest possible quality of education for all local children, in order to ensure pupils from all backgrounds are able to succeed. The Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust’s vision is to provide the highest possible quality of education for all local children, in order to ensure pupils from all backgrounds are able to succeed. To achieve this, the Dartmoor trust is committed to have regard to the co-operative principles and values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others. Accountable to the Members, the Trustees of the Dartmoor MAT are responsible for the general control of the Trust in accordance with the provisions set out in the Articles of Association and the Scheme of Delegation. The Board of Trustees is the accountable body for the performance of all Academies within the Trust and, as such, must:
The Board of Trustees meets half termly basis. The Board also has four core committees, Ethos, School Improvement, Resources, and Audit which meet at least termly. For more information, please visit the Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust website. |