Happy Friday everyone! I've been really impressed by your perseverance this week. Thank you for the fantastic sharing. I've enjoyed seeing some amazing cave paintings, fierce beasts and unlikely heroes for English and some brilliant facts about the Iron Age. We are going to continue writing in our Zooms in the morning and will start to create our own stories based on Arthur and the Golden Rope. If you miss a session don't worry, I'll send you a Word document to help. We are finishing counting money and moving on to bar charts, tally charts and pictograms next week. I really hope you manage to have a relaxing weekend. Please look after yourselves and a massive THANK YOU from me for being so brilliant. I have attached a photo of Izzy's rocket boots for her story next week. Miss Keen Percy and George's fossil cartoons Friday Round Up Hi Everyone I hope you are well, safe and will manage to enjoy some of this lovely sunshine. I have been totally blown away by how many children I'm seeing on Zoom and their level of engagement in their learning. It is really great. I'm choosing someone's learning each week for our Assembly and to go on the website. It could be you! I have really enjoyed all your amazing cartoons about fossils, you fantastic Maths facts learning and the start of your History learning. It was great to see so many of you for our PSHE Zoom and to see your pictures of your family and friends. We have lots and lots of children who are really flying with their times tables. By the end of this year, they should know their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. It starts to make a real difference in their Maths learning as the Maths work tends to assume that they know these times tables towards the end of Year 3. This is just a plea to keep going, please! For next week, we are going to start looking at the Iron Age and the Bronze Age. We are starting a new Maths unit on money and a new book called Arthur and the Golden Rope. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Thank you for all your hard work and kind comments. I'm going to share some of the amazing fossil cartoon learning by Percy and George. Take care Miss Keen Hi Willow Class Wow! You have really impressed me this week. I have seen lots of fantastic writing with some complex sentences (this is Sonny's). I am amazed by how well you have done with the Maths unit and thank you for teaching me all about rocks. I also saw great exercising, some fab art and enjoyed seeing children dancing in time to songs on Yumu. You have made a great start to your learning at home and in school, if you have been there. I know it is tough sometimes and everything seems a bit strange but you can do it! I am here. Please just shout if you need support. A massive thank you to all your parents who have gone above and beyond to support you - early starts and late nights are much in evidence. Next week, we are starting our learning on the Stone Age. There is an activity on Monday looking about how we learn about history. You may wish to photograph your rubbish for Sunday as you throw it out. This might be tidier than going through the bin! The activity will make sense next week. Have a great break. Thanks for all your hard work and support! Miss Keen Hello Everyone I'm so impressed with everyone's first week of home learning and the amazing learning of everyone in school attending the Critical Workers' Club. It has been really lovely to see everyone on Zoom as well . I enjoyed hearing about what you'd been reading and seeing all your fantastic books. It was lovely to see so many faces as well. We are continuing on with multiplication and division next week. We are going to be writing paragraphs about rocks and learning all about fossils - as well as other things! I hope you have managed to keep healthy and well this week, and get some fresh air. A MASSIVE WELL DONE FROM ME! Have a fantastic weekend. Miss Keen Like Happy Christmas Everyone I cannot tell you how much admiration I have for the children for the way they have returned this term and blasted through the term's learning. They should be very proud of themselves. They have also been working very hard to ensure that everyone is looked after especially in the run up to Christmas. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas. We are looking at Rocks and Soils in theme when we come back. We will need a jar of soil (I will email further details in the new year) so just a head's up if you have any spare jars. Have an absolutely fantastic Christmas. Thanks for all your support! Miss Keen Hi Everyone I hope you are well. The children have continued to work extremely hard and have enjoyed writing their animal Top Trumps. We are finishing our learn about times tables. We have been looking at Noah and the Ark in RE. For home learning this week, could the children please make a promise and keep it for the week? Our spellings for this week are: group complete material increase length pressure Please continue with Times Table Rock Star as I'm seeing amazing progress! I'm really impressed. Lots of children are very close to moving times tables. We have a lot of fun things lined up for next week. I think the children have thoroughly deserved them. I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Miss Keen Hi All the children have been working hard this week on assessment papers. They have put in so much effort and tried hard even with some really tricky questions. I have been extremely proud of them and they should be very proud of themselves. For home learning this week, can everyone try to make this the biggest week ever for Times Table Rock Stars. We practise a lot at school on paper and several times a week on the Chrome books. The tables to complete by the end of the year are 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8. All children have completed one times table. If the children could try to do two games a day 5 times a week, that would be amazing, The games take 3 minutes so it is 6 minutes of practising. I'll log on next week and give some Dojo points to those that have been doing this. If you need paper to practise with at home because you don't have access to a suitable device, just let me know. I will provide it and give them a Dojo when they return it completed. The spellings for this week are (unless I contact you separately): mistake miscalculate mishear reappear replay rebuild Many thanks, as ever, for your support! Thanks Miss Keen Hi I hope everyone is well. The children have just enjoyed sharing their amazing river journey writing with Ash Class. We still have some children who didn't have time to share so we will organise another Zoom with them before the end of term. The spellings for this week are (unless you hear in a separate email from me): experience, question, although, invertebrate, learn, peculiar. These are from the Year 3 and 4 List so are a little more difficult and, therefore, I have given fewer. For home learning, please can they choose one day and write a food diary to record what they ate for that day. We are going to then use that in our Science on Wednesday and Thursday. The children have a slip of paper to fill out for this in their reading folders. The paper also has their times table for this week on. Thanks so much, as ever with all the support with reading, times tables and everything else. All best Miss Keen Hello Everyone This is just the end of the week round up. I hope you are all well and manage to get out and do something this weekend. The children are, as ever, working really hard and have fantastic attitudes towards their learning. I have been very proud of their learning this week. They have worked super hard on their river journey stories and have started looking at multiplication in more detail, as well as keeping going with their times tables knowledge. The spellings for this week are: rein, rain, reign, eight, weight, straight, waste, waist, great and grate. When the children are practising them, it is really helpful to review the meanings of the words as well. We are looking forward to starting Science next week, which will be about animals including humans. Please can the children collect and bring clean food packaging with the nutritional values on it for their home learning. On Monday afternoon, we are having an online lesson about how the UK parliament works. Hope you have a good weekend. Miss Keen Hi A big thank you to all the children for their hard work, as ever, this week. We have been learning the colours today in French and they have some French colouring that they have taken home. In preparation for our computing lessons next week, please can your child research the internet. What is it? What devices do you have that connect to it? How do your devices send messages to it? The spellings for next week (unless I email you separately) are: can’t I’ll I’m didn’t won’t they’re could’ve she’s it’s I’d We are having a big push on reading. As the children get older so much of the curriculum relies on them being good, fluent readers who understand what they have read. I know it can be hard to find time to sign the reading journal so we are encouraging the children to write the reads in themselves. We would really appreciate it if you could check the reading diary especially on a Thursday and sign their reads to initial they have done it. The children are making great progress with their times tables. Please let me know if you are unsure which times table they are on. It should s how when they log on to Times Table Rock Stars. Thank you very much. I hope you have a great weekend. Miss Keen Happy Friday The children have all returned really well from half term. They are full of energy and have worked really hard. We have done lots of preparation on understanding adding and subtracting using Base 10 and place value counters this week. Today, we started to use column method. We have finished writing poems (I'll send a picture). The children have worked hard to use the structure of a poem and to use interesting language. We have learnt a lot about rivers and the water cycle. Thank you for all your amazing pictures! Can the children find out what happens when rivers flood and why rivers might flood for home learning this week? The reading effort was FANTASTIC! I am so impressed. Thank you very much. I will put them on the reading challenge on Monday and I have added Dojo points. Please keep practising times tables and spellings. Spellings for this week are: uncertain, discontinue, disappear, unimportant, unnatural, disinterest, undecided and disobey. They are the Year 3 spellings and a little bit more difficult. It works best to chunk them up e.g. dis app ear. I will email you separately if these aren't your spellings. For any children getting a bit stuck on times tables, I have started putting in some extra support and will continue to do this. Hope you have a great weekend and manage to get out for some fresh air! Miss Keen Hi Everyone 22.10.2020 I can't believe that the last day of this half term is tomorrow. I just want to say that the children have been really outstanding. They have adopted the new routines and precautions without a moan and are brilliantly at remembering them. They have also really thrown themselves into this new school year and worked super hard. I'm very proud of them and think they really deserve their break. We have continued to focus on number bonds to ten as we have discovered that they are very useful for three-digit numbers as well! We are doing lots of counting with three-digit numbers as well. We have been looking at poetry and we will be reading and performing poems tomorrow. The children have made some absolutely brilliants posters for how to keep safe online and I will put them up around school when we return. There aren't any spellings for half term. I will email times tables out tomorrow after our second test (we had one today). Thanks for all the effort with this, home reading and everything else. If you aren't busy during half term... We are looking at rivers when we return so if you can take any photos of the River Taw that would be amazing. I'm going to try and get to the source of the river which is near the Ted Hughes memorial on Belstone. Thanks Miss Keen 16.10.2020 Friday Catch Up The children have produced amazing biographies this week and have worked hard to make their own sentences from their notes using features of the Year 3 writing curriculum. We are carrying on working hard at our number bonds for all numbers from 0 to 20 to help with our Year 3 objectives to add and take away using 3-digit numbers. The children have been very thoughtful in RE and composed great questions about the Creation Story. We have had some discussions about football and working in teams. I'm going to support with that during my playground duties. We are starting computing next week. Please can the children think about how many devices they have in their home that have a computer chip in them and how they use them. I would love to see some photos on Dojo of these, please. Please keep reading and practising times tables. Spellings for this week are: sure sugar eye could should would who whole any many If you don't hear from me about times tables, they are the same as last week. Thanks again for all your support. Miss Keen 9.10.2020 Another great week! Well done Willow Tor for all your hard work. As well as our learning this week, we have talked a lot this week as well about looking after ourselves and each other. Homework for this week: Times Table Rock Stars - Tables as set by me and previously emailed out. Spellings - (unless you receive an email from me with individual spellings) class, grass, pass, plant, bath, path, hour, move, prove and improve. Research for Biographies Next week, the children are writing biographies. The children can either choose a class person that I will have information on. If they have their own person that they would like to write about, that would be great. It doesn't need to be a famous person and could be their friend/parent etc. They are, however, responsible for researching the person this weekend ready for Monday. The research can be notes or printed out. They need to know the following: Early Life Where and when were they born? What was the place like? Who lived there as well? Any other notable facts e.g. what were they like at school? Professional Life What do they do? Why did they choose that career? What is special about it? What is their best achievement? Hobbies What do they like to do in their spare time? Why do they like to do those things? And lastly, if possible, could they please get a quote from the person? I hope this makes sense and I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks Miss Keen 2.10.2020 Hi Everyone We have had a busy week this week and the children, as ever, have worked super hard. In Science, we have been investigating light sources and reflections. We have started working on addition and subtraction this week as well as starting a new book in English. We are going to be writing biographies of our heroes over the new few weeks. In French, we are learning how to greet each other. We have finished our leaves of hope for PSHE. It is cold at the moment. From this week, please can children wear jogging trousers or leggings for PE on Fridays. Our learning question is: How do you make a shadow? I will email out spellings and times tables. Thanks so much for all your support and messages this week. I hope you have a a lovely weekend. Miss Keen re to edit. Hi Everyone
What a fantastic and very quick week it has been! It seems to have zoomed by. The children have been learning about 3 digit numbers in Maths, practising writing stories and learning about where the Roman Fort was in North Tawton. We have worked hard and they have risen to the challenge putting in a huge amount of effort. Homework will be spellings (I'll email out) and times table practising on Times Table Rocks Stars. If you are struggling to get on, please let me know. I will have set the times table to the one they need to practise (2 or 10). I will be looking imminently to move some children again. For History, if you are out and about in the town and can take photos of historical buildings, or have some interesting historical knowledge about North Tawton, please do share on Class Dojo. We would love to see them. I have shared some photos on Class Dojo. Please look there if you would like to see them. I hope you all have a fab weekend. Thank you! Miss Keen |
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