School GatewaySchool Gateway provides parents with a secure, online payment system for school meals and trips, also allowing consent to be given for trips and events, for booking your child's school meals and securing places onto after school clubs.Additionally, it is the school texting system for sending messages, e.g. in the event of club cancellations/reminder of events and, also the email application for notification of payment/consent requests etc.
To register, please sign up for a School Gateway account by visiting Enter your current email address and mobile number (these must match the primary contact details you have registered with the school) and select the 'Send PIN' button. A PIN will then be received on your mobile phone to enable you to log into your new School Gateway account. With your School Gateway account, you will be able to book pupil meals, view payments and check your balance. The minimum payment bundle for school meals is £11.50. FAQs