Hi Everyone
It has been another very busy week. The children have written about where people live in geography and included what they learnt about North Tawton from their geography fieldwork (they took the photo below). They have been reading our new book The Paperbag Prince and learning all about how to use adverbials to tell a reader where and when something happens. In maths, we have continued to learn how to add and takeaway using column method. We will practise this a lot this year as it will take some time to get fluent with it. Next week, we will start our unit on multiplication and division. I have been very impressed at how the children are doing with their times tables. Our aim is to learn the 2, 5, 10 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of the year. In science, we have learnt about recycling and why we recycle. The children have had a good look at some objects that we recycle and can begin to give reasons why we do this. We have continued to learn about tag ruby in PE and in PSHE we have started thinking about what respect means. It was great to get so many completed home learning books today. Please make sure home learning is back in on Thursday and that the reading diaries are coming in every day. Thank you! Hope you had a fab end to the week. Thanks for all your support. Miss Keen and all the year 3 staff. Comments are closed.
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November 2024
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