Hi Everyone
I've been so impressed by the children this week. They have shown some really great learning behaviours especially when talking in front of the class and listening to each other. They are really off to a great start. We have started our place value unit in Maths. We have looked at two-digit numbers and we will start on three-digit numbers soon. We have been reading Paint Me A Poem in English. It is a book of poems inspired by paintings and sculptures written by Grace Nichols. The children have been reading poems, learning poems and will perform their poems to the class today (photos below). Next week, they will write their own poems. In computing, we have started looking at computer networks and in science, we have started learning about scientific investigations and materials. In PE, they have been learning all about teamwork and practising their ball skills. Hope you have a good rest of your week and weekend. Year 3 Team Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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