Welcome to a new term and happy new year. This week, we have been working hard in English and have been writing different styles of poetry to get a flavour of the different genres of poetry that there are. We have also been working on our spelling and handwriting skills. We have worked hard in Maths, on our unit Multiplication and Division, this week we have really focused on multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. The children have had their Music and PSHE sessions with Miss Boyce, learning some new call and response songs. We finished the week off with some work on Picasso. We explored the artists life and the significant periods of his career and presented this in our sketchbooks in a very artistic way (see photos). Spellings are on Dojo for the groups. I will be giving the children a Wider Curriculum home learning sheet, with the activities for this half term for you to choose from. As in previous half terms, I will expect at least 3 completed pieces. (This is also available on Dojo and on the link at the bottom of this blog.) In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home every day, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. This is to promote reading for pleasure as there is nothing better than a good book. Remember, that you are your child’s greatest role model, so if they see you enjoying a good book, it really promotes good learning habits. I will ask that reading is recorded in their new reading journals and that these come in every day so that I can monitor their reading. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum. They can do this through Times Tables Rock Stars, I have also posted a list of great websites to practise on. Next week, we will be working on our new History topic area of The Middle East and our Science area of Magnetism. We will be starting our new English text and continue our Multiplication and Division unit in Maths. Have a great weekend, get out, between the showers and enjoy family time. See you on Monday. Mr F Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome to the blog for Hazel Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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