Happy Friday!
Can't believe it is the end of September already. We have had a super busy week being authors in our English lessons. The children have created their own stories based on our school text 'The Fox and The Star' and we have spent time editing and improving our work so that we could publish our stories. We were also lucky enough to have a visit from an author who gave us a very engaging and interesting talk based on her book about expeditions. In maths this week we have continued focusing on place value, ordering and comparing numbers to 1 million! The children have been really engaged and focused within their maths lessons. This week in science the children had fun with experiments involving mixing oil and water! The children worked hard and safely during these experiments. Mrs Ware was very impressed! Both Mrs Moffat and I were extremely proud of our class on Thursday during our first swimming session. All the children were very sensible and tried their best in their swimming lessons. The children have continued working well in history and have really enjoyed their PE lesson with Saints this morning continuing to improve their hockey skills and applying these in matches. Have a lovely weekend! Happy Friday!
In Hazel Class this week we have been beginning to plan and write our own stories based on our English text 'The Fox and The Star'. We have planned to write these from the alternative viewpoint with Star being the main character. The children came up with lovely descriptive phrases to describe the characters within their stories. In maths we have been continuing to look at place value and practicing reading and writing numbers to a million! The children have also continued learning about separating mixtures within their science with Mrs Ware. We had a very wet PE lesson today with our Saints PE coach and the children had lots of opportunities to improve their skills within hockey before playing some matches. I know its only September but we have been busy designing our Christmas cards which have come home today for you to decide if you would like to order any. We defiantly have lots of artists in our class. Just a little reminder that there is an expectation that children are reading for at least 10 minuets a night and recording this in their reading diaries which should come to school every day. Children should also be practicing their 10 spellings and spending time on TTRS daily too. Hope you have a lovely weekend and stay dry! Thank you Miss Collins Happy Friday everyone!
We have had a very busy first full week back. We have started our new guided reading book called 'The Explorer' which everyone is enjoying. Ask your children what has happened so far and maybe they could predict what is going to happen next. In English we have began a new unit based on the whole school book of the 'The Fox and the Star'. We have been looking at the different characters within the story and been writing character descriptions. Next week we will be planning and writing our own adaptions of the story. In Maths we have been looking at place value. The children have been super with this and we will be continuing this unit over the next couple of weeks. Our history topic this term is the Benin Kingdom and have been studying different sources to understand what life was like for the Edo people. In our PE session today we continued developing our hockey skills and even played some matches! I will be setting spelling homework next week. I would also expect that children are reading every day at home and recording this in their reading records. Please also continue using TTRS to ensure children are practicing their timetables. Please send me a dojo if you have any concerns. I hope you have a lovely weekend! Miss Collins Hello,
It is Miss Collins here taking over the Hazel Class blog as I have started working in Year 5! Super excited for the year ahead. Happy Friday! It has been very hot but lovely three days. We have spent lots of time getting to know each other and completing some fun and engaging activities. Today we began a project all about crazy inventions and the children worked in groups to create a crazy invention. Make sure to ask them what they invented! They also had their first Saints PE session which focused on skills needed in hockey. Looking forward to next week where will begin our units in all subjects. Hope you all have a lovely weekend! Miss Collins |
AuthorWelcome to the blog for Hazel Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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