Happy Friday! Welcome to our weekly blog.
This week has been another busy week really getting into all our topics. In English, we have been writing our own persuasive speeches on saving an endangered animal. The speeches the class produced were excellent and very persuasive. On Thursday everyone was very brave and had a go at performing their speech to the class. See some photos below. In maths we have continued looking at shapes and angles. We have been working out missing angles based on facts we have learnt (such as angles on a straight line always add up to 180 degrees). Next week we will complete our end of unit assessment on shape and angles and begin a new unit. In our history lesson we focused on how the Middle East is very important for different religions. We looked at our it is an important place for Christians, Muslims and Jewish people within their history. In RE we continued looking at gospels in the Bible and looked at the messaged and key teachings we could learn from them. Our PE focus this term is rounders. Over our PE sessions we have been focusing on our batting and fielding skills which are improving which is excellent. Today we played catching rounders which focused on throwing and catching the ball from long distances. In French the children completed a listening assessment. It was focused on clothes and greetings. The children tried very hard with this and did very well. Lots of exciting things to look forward to and lots of important dates for the summer term will be announced soon. So keep an eye out on dojo for dates and messages. Have a lovely weekend :) Welcome back to the Summer Term! This is my favourite term of the year as there is lots of exciting opportunities and events to look forward to.
This week we have been busy starting lots of new topics in lots of different subjects. In English, we have began our new text 'Can we save the tiger?' which is a non -fiction text all about endangered animals around the world. The children have been very engaged by this book and have been fascinated learning about all the different animals. We have started to plan our own persuasive speeches on saving an endangered animal. Next week we will be spending time writing these and then performing them to the class. In Maths we have started our shape unit by focusing on angles. We have learnt how to measure angles and how to draw angles using a protractor. We have also learnt the names to classify different angles: acute , right angles, obtuse and reflex. In history we have begun our unit on the middle east by looking at one of the most ancient civilisations known - Mesopotamia. We looked at the inventions they invented and discussed which we thought was the most important. Most agreed that the wheel was the most important invention. On Wednesday with Mr Legg, the children started their new science topic on humans and animals over time looking at Charles Darwin and his discoveries. This will link well with our trip to Paignton Zoo in a few weeks! Today we had our first lesson on rounders. We spent time practicing the basic skills needed, batting and bowling and then ended the session with a class game. Next week we will build on these skills and also incorporate more rules into our class game. Spellings and maths homework due in on Monday. I hope you have a lovely weekend! |
AuthorWelcome to the blog for Hazel Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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