Happy Friday!
It has been a glorious week weather wise and half term lots set to see more of the same. This week in Hazel Class, we have worked hard in Maths, starting a new unit, based on Shape and angles, we also completed our unit in English, based on the book 'Are Humans Damaging the Atmosphere?' (Which ties in with our Life Skills work this year and our new Geography for next half term on Energy and Sustainability.) by writing a report about our school, well the children are the experts after all! On Monday, we asked the children to sign up for roles in our upcoming production - Cinderella Rockerfeller. Then after parts were decided, we had a read through of the script on Wednesday. The children will bring these home over half term, so if you could please encourage some time spent learning their lines, it would be much appreciated. (Costume ideas have been attached as well). We will spend afternoon sessions working on this after half term. We have been really arty over the last few weeks, however the website has been down, so I thought I'd share some pictures of the work that we have been doing - bot outside and in! (See gallery) On Thursday, the children enjoyed another day with Miss Collins. They tackled their learning areas of Evolution in Science and The Middle East in History - completing their units by demonstrating their learning through creating a quiz for each other. We finished the week with some P.E. (Cricket) with Mrs Edwards, enjoying a game of Quick Cricket. After half term, the children will be covering rounders with Mrs Edwards. In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home everyday, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. I would like to see children's Reading records filled in every day and will be checking them every morning from Monday. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum, I am asking for 25 minutes spent on Times Tables Rock Stars every week. This could be 5 minutes a day, a block of 25 minutes, or 10 minutes and fifteen minutes, whichever of these options works best at home. Remember the Wider Curriculum home learning is for the whole term, I am expecting great things in by Thursday 20th July at the latest (so if you haven't started, now's a great time to think about it.). After half term, the children will start with their new topics, including Life Cycles, Energy and Sustainability and Healthy Lifestyles in Life Skills. We also begin our Mini Police workshops after half term and I know the children are looking forward to these. Have a great week, enjoy the Sun and get out and about. Mr F |
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February 2025
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