Good afternoon all - Happy Friday.
It's been another busy week, full of learning and some really great examples of insect habitats! This week, we have been working hard on our English unit, innovating it, so that we can write in the style of it, creating a guide to our school, using rhetorical questions. In Maths we have continued work on our unit of position and direction, concentrating on coordinates, reflection and translation. In Geography, we worked on our unit on Energy and Sustainability, thinking this week about what sustainability is. (See photos) On Tuesday, we had a great Forest School session. this week we worked on finding and using natural and recycled materials to create our own insect habitats. (See photos) We have also been working to complete our guided reading book - Matilda by Roald Dahl. This week, we thought about the themes that run through the book and have been creating anti-bullying posters using the characters from the book as inspiration. Finally this week, we finished with a cricket based session this afternoon, focused on throwing and catching skills, over arm bowling and driving when batting. This is in preparation for a mini cricket challenge that we will attend in Hatherleigh next week, the letter will be on Dojo and a copy will come home with your child. As the Sun is hotter, could I please ask, that children now have a hat and a drinks bottle and sun cream is applied, prior to them coming in to school, so that they are protected. We are lucky enough to be out on the field at the moment, if your child has hay-fever, please make sure that they are medicated. Please look out for this half term's home learning on Class Dojo, as well as this half term's spellings. The Home Learning Diary that was sent home, has been used by many of you already, with some really good pieces of work evident. Thank you for sending those in, please continue them for the next few weeks, as they are a great record of the learning that the children have undertaken this year. Next week, we will have a slightly different week. We will be celebrating the curriculum through the Festival of Hope, working on a different curricular area each day. On Monday, we will have French Theatre in the morning and an Art afternoon. On Tuesday, we will have a singing session and then concentrate on Science. On Wednesday, we will be going to Hatherleigh to compete in a cricket tournament, whilst on Thursday, we will compete in houses at our Sports Day. Please come and cheer your children on between 9.15 and 11.15 on Thursday morning. Finally on Friday afternoon, we will hold a Music Concert in the hall, again, if you are available, please come and join us. The Summer Fair is nearly upon us. There is a board up outside, if you are able to offer your time during this event, any help is greatly appreciated, whether it be running a stall or helping to set up or tidy away. The Fair starts at 11 on Saturday 9th July and finishes at 2pm, it would be great to see as many of you there as possible. Have a great weekend, enjoying family time. See you on Monday Mr F Good afternoon everybody - Happy Friday!
It's been another busy week, full of learning and some really great examples of writing! This week, we have been working hard on our English unit, immersing ourselves in the text and recognising the features of our text type. The new text fits in nicely with our Geography topic of Energy and Sustainability. In Maths we have started work on our new unit of position and direction, concentrating on coordinates and reflection. In Geography, we started work on our unit on Energy and Sustainability, thinking this week about renewable and non-renewable energy and what sustainability is. On Tuesday, we had a great P.E. session, working on our gymnastic skills. Next week will be Forest School, so have your old clothes and boots ready next Tuesday. This week in Guided reading, we have explored the chapters The Names and The Plan in Matilda by Roald Dahl. The children have put their writing skills into action to write in role as Matilda. We used some show not tell writing to infer to the reader Matilda's emotions, with some super results. (see photo) Finally this week, we finished with a cricket based session this morning, focused on throwing and catching skills, over arm bowling and driving when batting. This is in preparation for a mini cricket challenge that we will attend in Chagford in two weeks time, look out for the letter next week. As the Sun is hotter, could I please ask, that children now have a hat and a drinks bottle and sun cream is applied, prior to them coming in to school, so that they are protected. We are lucky enough to be out on the field at the moment, if your child has hay-fever, please make sure that they are medicated. Please look out for this half term's home learning on Class Dojo, as well as this half term's spellings. The Home Learning Diary that was sent home, has been used by many of you already, with some really good pieces of work evident. i have had 9 in today and will expect to see the rest on Monday please, so that I can check their progress so far - I have really enjoy looking at these with them. Next week, we will continue with our English unit, work on our Geography unit of Energy and Sustainability and our Maths unit on Position and Direction, work on Lifecycles in Science and continue work on Databases in Computing Have a great weekend, enjoying family time. See you on Monday Mr F Good afternoon everybody - Happy Friday!
It's been another busy week, full of learning and what a scorching Friday to finish the week! This week, we have been working hard on our new English unit, immersing ourselves in the text and recognising the features of our text type. The new text fits in nicely with our upcoming Geography topic of Energy and Sustainability. In Maths we have completed our unit on Properties of Shape. The children completed their end of unit assessment with pleasing results today. In History, we completed our unit on Medieval Monarchs, thinking about whether Queen Elizabeth I was a strong Queen. On Tuesday, we had a great Forest School session, starting with some team games to warm up and then exploring our obstacle conquering abilities (see photos). This week in Guided reading, we have explored the setting of Miss Honey's Cottage in Matilda by Roald Dahl. The children have put their writing skills into action to write their own description of the cottage, with some super results. Today, we thought about diversity in Life Skills and how we are unique and different, designing a logo that represented our unique qualities, talents and interests. Finally this week, we finished with an Athletics based session with our Saints Southwest Coach - Mrs Edwards. As the Sun is hotter, could I please ask, that children now have a hat and a drinks bottle and sun cream is applied, prior to them coming in to school, so that they are protected. We are lucky enough to be out on the field at the moment, if your child has hay-fever, please make sure that they are medicated. Please look out for this half term's home learning on Class Dojo, as well as this half term's spellings. The Home Learning Diary that was sent home, has been used by many of you already, with some really good pieces of work evident, remember I will ask your children to bring this in on Friday, so that I can check their progress so far, they can also bring it in whenever they like, to show me what they have been doing beforehand - I really enjoy looking at these with them. Next week, we will continue with our English unit, work on our new Geography unit of Energy and Sustainability, start a new Maths unit on Position and Direction, work on Adaptation and Evolution in Science and continue work on Databases in Computing Have a great weekend, enjoying family time, enjoy the Sun! (Make sure it's safely) See you on Monday Mr F Good afternoon everybody - Happy Friday!
It's been another busy week, and only 4 days after the Jubilee Weekend. I hope you all enjoyed the festivities, I really enjoyed Paddington having tea with the Queen! This week, we have been working hard on our new English unit, starting with an elicitation task to evaluate our report writing. The new text fits in nicely with our upcoming Geography topic of Energy and Sustainability. In Maths we have been working on Properties of Shape, particularly angles, measuring them accurately and calculating them on a straight line. In History, we thought about whether King Edward was a good king and the effect of Henry VIII on the Feudal System. On Tuesday, we had a great P.E. session, starting with some team games to warm up and then exploring our gymnastic capabilities (see photos). We have completed our Art, looking at our School building and thinking about how we could make the space greener and more environmentally friendly. Today, we have become life coaches in Life Skills, as we took on the role of agony aunts to help out children with lifestyle related problems. Finally this week, we finished with an Athletics based session with our Saints Southwest Coach - Mrs Edwards. As the Sun is hotter, could I please ask, that children now have a hat and a drinks bottle and sun cream is applied, prior to them coming in to school, so that they are protected. We are lucky enough to be out on the field at the moment, if your child has hay-fever, please make sure that they are medicated. Please look out for this half term's home learning on Class Dojo, as well as this half term's spellings. The Home Learning Diary that was sent home on Wednesday has been used by many of you already, with some really good pieces of work evident, remember I will ask your children to bring this in in a couple of weeks to check their progress so far, they can bring it in whenever they like to show me what they have been doing beforehand and I really enjoy looking at these with them. Next week, we will continue with our new English unit, work on our new Geography unit of Energy and Sustainability, complete our unit on properties of shape in Maths, Adapt and Evolve in Science and have another fun Forest School session on Tuesday afternoon. Have a great weekend, enjoying family time. See you on Monday Mr F |
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February 2025
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