Good afternoon everybody - Happy Friday!
It's been a busy week and only four days long. This week, we have been working hard on our English unit, immersing ourselves in the text. Our text is the short story anthology How the Whale Became, by local author Ted Hughes and fits in nicely with our Science topic of Humans and other Animals over Time. In Maths we have been working on fractions, particularly adding and subtracting fractions and fractions greater than one. In Science we completed our unit on Electrical Circuits, and in History, we studied the Battle of Hastings in our new unit Medieval Monarchs. In our French session today, we thought about French poetry and rhyming words. Then, we continued our DT work, based on creating electronic greetings cards. We linked this to our Art from last half term and created greetings cards in a Van Gogh style, with an electronic twist (See photos). This afternoon, Mrs Edwards (our Saints coach) carried out a session on striking and fielding skills, finishing with a game of rounders. This term, our P.E. sessions have changed as we have finished swimming. So, we will have P.E on Tuesday and then the following Tuesday will be Forest School (A set of old clothes and maybe some old shoes or wellies will be a requirement for this). Next week we will have Forest School on Tuesday afternoon. Spellings are now on Dojo for the groups, next week, it's the 3rd column, a paper copy was sent home last week. I have been impressed by how many people are reading every night, keep it up! The Wider Curriculum home learning for this half term is out, I have given the children a paper copy. The links and resources for some of the activities are on Dojo, as well as a copy of our timetable for this term. As the Sun is starting to get hotter, could I please ask, that children now have a hat and a drinks bottle and sun cream is applied, prior to them coming in to school, so that they are protected. We are lucky enough to be out on the field at the moment, if your child has hay-fever, please make sure that they are medicated, as the tree pollen has been high recently and when the grass is cut, the sneezes start! Next week, we will be continuing with our work on How the Whale Became in English, Fractions in Maths, we will continue our work on Medieval Monarchs in History and look at Charles Darwin in Science. We will have Forest School on Tuesday afternoon, so a set of old clothes, with long sleeved tops please, to prevent any scratches. We will also have our PE session on Thursday next week, rather than Friday, as we have swapped sessions with our year 6 class, who will be sitting their SATs. Have a great weekend everyone, see you on Monday Mr F Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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