Happy Friday!
This week in Hazel Class, we have worked hard on multiplying numbers in Maths. We started our new Science topic of Electrical Circuits, thinking about what static electricity is. In our English unit on figurative language, we have written some descriptions of characters. The children have used metaphor, simile and personification, as well as some ambitious vocabulary and their new best friend - a thesaurus, to create character and setting descriptions, which we will weave into a story next week. On Monday and today, we have been working on creating board games based on Medieval Monarchs The children have had some very creative ideas and have now completed work on these, so no more cardboard please, my cupboard can't take any more! (See photos) On Wednesday, we celebrated World Book Day, the children looked resplendent in their costumes and enjoyed book based work, looking at the books The Night Shimmy and Can you Put Rainbows in Space? (See photo). We finished the week with a real challenge to our fitness and agility from our P.E. coach, today we played a great game of tag rugby. (See photos) In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home everyday, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum. Today the children will bring home their spellings for next half term. Thank you for the pieces of Wider Curriculum Home Learning that I received. A new set of challenges will be out next Monday. Next week, the children will be continuing their work on Multiplication and Division in Maths, writing their invent pieces in our unit based on the use of figurative language in English, in Science, we will continue our new unit based on electrical circuits , in Geography, we will work on our Biomes unit , and in Computing, we will work on Video editing. We also have the people from Reading University, who are running the language project, in on Friday morning at 9.00, which will be very exciting. Have a restful weekend, wrap up warm and get out and about. See you on Monday Mr F Comments are closed.
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September 2024
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