Happy Friday everyone!
We have had a very busy week this week, assessments, play rehearsal, and a postponed Sports Day. Hopefully the 18th July will be a far sunnier affair and we will see some amazing competition and athleticism. The children worked hard on their end of term assessments and have done their best - i have been very pleased and proud of every one of them. This week, the rehearsals have really ramped up and we had a full rehearsal on Wednesday and today. A huge thank you to people who've provided costumes and learnt lines with children, it is looking amazing, I hope you've all bought your tickets for next week's performances. On Thursday, we had changeover morning, where the children met their teacher for next year. Hazel class were delighted to discover, that next year, they will have Miss Radbourne as their Year 6 teacher. We finished the week with some P.E. (Rounders) with Mrs Edwards, some really good fielding and striking skills on display. Next week, the children will be continuing to develop their rounders skills with Mrs Edwards. Tomorrow is the Summer Fair, there are lots of exciting stalls and activities on offer from 11.00 so please come and support FONTs, the money raised this year, will be used to revamp the playgrounds with new paint and markings, so playtimes next year will be more colourful and great fun! If you would like to help to support the school and our children by becoming a member of FONTs, please contact one of the FONTs members, we are always happy to see new members of the community supporting our children with financial assistance for resources, educational visits and experiences that help to enrich the curriculum. For more information, on how to get involved and what it entails, please see our FONTs page: Friends of North Tawton School (FONTS) (ntcps.co.uk) I hope to see many of you there tomorrow - if you could do a Sun dance, that would really help with the forecast! Next week, we will have a normal Monday, Tuesday sees us performing our dress rehearsal to the rest of the school, following this on Wednesday evening, we will perform in the evening from 5.30, so could children please be in school for 5.00 for costume and make-up. We finish the week, with our matinee performance on Thursday at 1.45 and on Friday, the school is closed due to industrial action. Have a great weekend - if you're at the Fair, I will see you there. Mr F Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome to the blog for Hazel Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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