It's Friday, it's the end of April and the showers have started!
This week in Hazel Class, we have been working on our new English text How the Whale Became by local author Ted Hughes. In Maths, we have been working on decimal numbers, place value for tenths, hundredths and thousandths and how to convert fractions to decimal numbers. In Science, we have started our work on forces, exploring what a force is and how forces affect things. In PSHE, we have continued to explore a healthy lifestyle and what it is, we looked at designing our own coat of arms in Art and in RE we continued to look at Christianity, thinking about Bible stories and the messages that they convey to the reader. In PE with Mr Stronge we worked on our cricket skills on various activities in a Cricket Olympics. We have also tuned up our teamwork and tactical skills with a game of football rounders on Monday - when the sun was shining! We finished the week, raising money for the Captain Sir Tom Moore Charity and as he was 100 when he sadly passed away, we undertook a few challenges to do with 100. We firstly did an active challenge 100 star jumps, 100 squats, 100 tucks, 100 spotty dogs and then the plank for 100 seconds - phew! For Maths, our challenge was to answer 100 multiplication questions, some of us tried the 13 and 14 time tables! Our reading challenge was to read 100+ pages collectively in 10 minutes - we read 102 and we finished with a PSHE challenge to write 100 positive messages. Best of all, we've broken the £100 target and the JustGiving page is still there should you want to donate to this worthy cause. Next week, we won't be in on Monday as it's a bank hoilday, but on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will be training up, ready for year 6, with some Young Sports Leaders training with Mrs Jarvis from OCRA, so please have some trainers with you on Wednesday, and it will be a special sporty day on Friday, with PE in the morning and the OCRA cross country in the afternoon. We will be continuing with our English text How the Whale Became and our work in Maths on decimal numbers. We will alos continue our Geography work on the Amazon Basin. I have sent home Wider Curriculum home learning for this half term, it is on the website as well, so start thinking about which activities you would like to do. Remember, we are on the third column of our spellings sheet, so words ready for next Friday, will be: pollinate, captivate, activate, motivate, communicate, medicate, elasticate, hypenate, alienate and validate, unless you have a different spelling list. Most of us are reading well, but a gentle reminder that children should be reading for at least 10 minutes every night. Could I please see Reading Records on Tuesday, have them with you. Have a great long weekend, hopefully it won't be too wet! See you on Tuesday Mr F Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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