Well, there we are the end of the first week back and we have been super lucky with the weather, it has been glorious. This week in Hazel Class, we have completed our unit on fractions and our information text unit based on Extreme Animals. We will be starting a new Maths and a new English unit next week. We have also begun our topic on the Amazon Basin for Geography, completed our unit on work and money in PSHE and started to look at what video is in Computing. In Music, the children have been working hard on their song for the Music Concert and in RE with Miss Ruby, they looked at the Ten Commandments. We also had an exciting first PE session this term working on cricket skills with Mr Stronge - today the children worked on their fielding skills and batting from a tee, in a game called Snake Cricket (see photos)
Next week, we will start with a spelling test on Monday, we will look at the second column on your overview - for most of you, this will be pause, cause, sauce, fraud, launch, author, August, applaud, astronaut and restaurant (this weeks spelling string is au, making the or sound. We will begin our new English text written by local author Ted Hughes - How the Whale Became, which is a bit like Rudyard Kiplings Just so stories, or for those of you who have had to endure CBeebies like I have - Tinga Tinga Tales. In Maths we will be working on decimal numbers, and will continue our work on the Amazon Basin for Geography. I have asked that the children bring some trainers in for Monday, as I would like to do an extra PE session - hopefully outside - in the afternoon. Home learning for this term will be out next week as well, as well as spellings and daily reading for at least 10 minutes, I would really like to check Reading Record folders on Monday as well, so could the children make sure that they are filled in, up to date and in their bags for Monday morning. I hope that you all have a fantastic weekend after a busy first week back and let's hope that the Sun stays with us for a bit longer. Mr F Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome to the blog for Hazel Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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