Good afternoon everybody - Happy Friday! Another week down, we have been working hard and have produced some super creative writing, innovating a story based on our core text 'The Princess' Blankets'. We have worked hard in Maths, looking at numbers to a million and rounding numbers to the nearest 100,000. In Science, we explored what a mixture is and investigated what happens when oil is spilt into the ocean. The children have had their Music and R.E. sessions with Miss Boyce and with Miss Penny and we enjoyed our first French session with Madame Jordan, our French specialist teacher. We have been active every morning and I have been really pleased to see the children enjoying physical activity and showing a real improvement in their fitness levels. We have also enjoyed another exciting session with our new PE coach Mrs Edwards. This week, we worked on invasion game skills, through netball. New spellings are out on Monday, for the rest of this half term. There is a digital copy of this half term's Wider Curriculum Home Learning on Dojo. I would like to see 3 completed activities by Monday 1st November, which is the first Monday back after half term. There is lots of time to complete this so I will be expecting some really good quality pieces. I have had a few already, an impressive salt dough interpretation of a Benin Bronze and one made from Hama beads. I am looking forward to trying out some of the children's Invasion Games in our Active break sessions, I have had 4 already! In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home everyday, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. This is to promote reading for pleasure as there is nothing better than a good book. Remember, that you are your child’s greatest role model, so if they see you enjoying a good book, it really promotes good learning habits. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum. They can do this through Times Tables Rock Stars, I will be posting a list of great websites to practise on later this half term. Next week, the children will be completing their work on Place Value in Maths, working on their invent writing based on our text in English The Princess' Blankets by Carol Ann Duffy, in Science, we will continue to look at Separating Mixtures and in Computing, we will work on Digital Networks. We are also very lucky to be taking part in a six week program, starting next week, called Mini Police. This will be run by a police officer and will focus on the work of the police but will be primarily PSHE based for the children. It sounds really exciting and the children are really looking forward to it. Have a great weekend whatever you are doing, get outside, make sure that you dodge the rain. See you on Monday Mr F Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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