Good afternoon everybody - happy Friday.
Today has been very exciting, wearing your pyjamas to school - to do PE in them as well! It has been a great day of story sharing - look out for some more of these stories, as Mrs Ware will share the stories via the website. We have listened to stories, been writing our own, designing character bunting for our book corner and making our own bookmarks, in between maths, English, PE and Geography! It has been a busy day but a really good one. The money raised from today will go to the Book Trust, who provide books for young children who may not have their own, so that they can experience the joy of a bedtime story - hence the pyjamas! This week we have completed our Maths unit on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages and had the end of unit assessment today and the results were superb - so well done Hazel! We are also coming to the end of our English unit based on the book How the Whale Became and are writing our invent story now, explaining the creation of an animal, or one of their characteristics, or for those of us who wanted a greater challenge, the creation of something entirely different. Because it was Pyjamarama today, our spelling test was squeezed out, so we will do this on Monday - an extra 2 days to make sure that you really know them, remember this week they were: Criticise, Advertise, Capitalise, Finalise, Equalise, Fertilise, Terrorise, Socialise, Visualise and Vandalise. In our Wider Curriculum sessions, we have looked at Music, Geography, Art and RE. In art, we looked at redesigning a room for a purpose, in Geography we have continued with The Amazon Basin. This afternoon in Geography, we combined Geography and Music to recreate an Amazonian Dawn. The children used percussion instruments and took it in turns to conduct the group, whilst exploring crescendo, pitch, volume and harmony. (See Dojo for a video extract). Next week, we will be starting a new unit in both Maths and English, Geometry in Maths and we will be looking at Wallace and Gromit Cracking Contraptions as our new text in English, later in the week. We will also be completing our work on the Amazon Basin to start on our History element of The Mayans before half term. I am hoping that the weather is more favourable next week, as I had to cancel the first Running club on Thursday. Fingers crossed that the field will have dried out in time for next week. Have a great weekend everybody, get out and do something fun! Mr F Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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