Happy Friday everyone.
It's great to be back to having a whole class to teach. We have enjoyed reconnecting this week, both with our friends and with learning. This week we have worked on what it is like to be back, exploring our emotions through various PSHE activities and through poetry. The children produced some very successful pieces of poetry based on emotions which have taken various forms, including Haikus from Japan and Kennings from Scandanavia. We also worked collaboratively as Maths detectives to solve a mystery by figuring out the clues which required different mathematical skills and a lot of reasoning. This week we have also reintroduced reading with our Reading Reflection Journal, in which, the children record their thoughts and questions on what they are reading, both during and after they have read. We finished English this week, through writing a story based on an image. We were concentrating on our use of language: expanded noun phrases, similes, powerful adjectives and verbs and using phrases that really paint a picture for our reader. In our wider curriculum, we had Music with Mrs Mathews and have begun to explore our new Geography topic of The Amazon Basin. This week, we looked at the continents and their positions and we found out more about them. Next week, we will focus on South America. We were lucky today to meet Mr Stronge, our Saints South West coach in person and had great fun in our PE session, which focussed on teamwork and throwing and catching skills. We look forward to next week's session. We have tried everyday to get out for an active break and have set a collective target of laps to beat the following day as a target. This week we are closing in on a collective total of 300 laps of our KS2 playground in 10 minutes - that's 12,000m or 12km in 10 minutes! It has been brilliant having the children back for the first week and I very much look forward to seeing them all on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone - try to avoid the rain! Mr F Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome to the blog for Hazel Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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