Dear Parents and Carers,
Congratulations to Bethany who is our star learner this week - she has worked so hard in the last week and has shown us impeccable behaviour. As the work in Chestnut class starts to get trickier I can already see how the children are giving it their best. Literacy The children have worked hard in phonics this week perfecting their spelling and sentence work. Please remember to record all home reading in the children's reading record, they should at least 5 minutes each day. Maths In Maths we have been counting both forwards and backwards with the children to ten and beyond in some cases. This will be an important skill moving forward as it relates to addition, subtraction and multiplication and division. Friday 23rd September After School Next Friday I will be hosting a short session after school to explain a little bit about how our phonics program works and how to use the resources we send home as well as to answer any questions you may have. Please come along if you can! Kind regards, Mrs Budiman Comments are closed.
February 2025
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