Dear Parents/Carers,
Your views are important to us. If you haven’t already, please sign up and add your views to the Parent View here Give your views | Ofsted Parent View As always, if you have a concern or suggestion, please talk to me or to Miss Penny. We really want to do the best job for you and your children. Dear Parents, and Carers,
I hope you have had a pleasant weekend. The children have started this weeks learning off with a great start. Last week Margo won our star learner award. Keep an eye on our window to see some of the other awards we are looking out for. Literacy The children are doing fantastically with their reading. Nine children read 5 or more times last week - this is a big improvement but we would like to see even more children achieved the big five! Maths In Maths we continue our place value work. the children are really starting to get to grips with it and are able to compare numbers: Follow this link Geography The children are learning the 5 oceans of the world this week. Here is fun song to learn the oceans: Science In Science the children will be researching the difference between invertebrate and vertebrate animals. More information on vertebrates and invertebrates can be found on BBC Bitesize. ICT We are making our own animations at school, this week the children will learn to change the numbers on blocks to make their programs shorter on: Have a great week! Mrs Budiman and Mrs Day Dear Parents and Carers,
Congratulations to our star learner Alex who is working hard in class and at home! Alex also won our Reading Trophy this week after consistently reading not just in the last week but over the year. Please continue to record your child's reading in their reading diaries. Literacy The children have now completed their phonics screening check for Year 1 and we are really proud of the achievements they have made across the school year. Please note children should be practising their sounds and spellings alongside reading through the week. Maths In Maths we are moving onto Place Value. The children will consolidate counting forwards and backwards to 100. They will also be able to describe two digit numbers using tens and ones. Science We should have some exciting Science learning ahead of us as we start to learn about living and non living things. There will be good opportunities to discuss various sorts of animals and how they differ from one another. Geography In Geography children will be studying Oceans and Seas, they will consider the different layers found in ocean waters and which animals live there. Computing Children will learn to animate a sprite on ScratchJr and change backgrounds. Best Wishes, Mrs Budiman and Mrs Day Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all had a wonderful half term holiday. There are only a few week to go until we come to the end of this academic year. It is exciting to see how much the children have come on since they started in September. Can I gently remind you to book your lunches for your child on the school portal as this saves time in the morning. Reading Please keep up the reading at home, as I have previously mentioned children should read 5 times a week at home. Mrs Day has very kindly purchased a reading trophy for the best reader each week. We will be monitoring reading in the reading diaries and the child who has shown the most dedication to reading through the week with evidence of this in their home reading diary will receive the reward. Good Luck everyone! Maths In Maths we have finished work on fractions but if you would like to consolidate this please feel free to follow this link:Y1-HL-Summer-Block-2-Fractions-2020.pdf ( Going forward we will be looking at position and direction. Science We will be starting our last unit on 'Living Things' - it should be an exciting learning opportunity. Have a great week! Mrs Budiman and Mrs Day |
February 2025
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