The Week Ahead in Chestnut Class!
Phonics We will be reviewing the graphemes and phonemes: r j v y w Please see the link below, children can watch these links to consolidate their learning: Literacy This week we will be starting a new key text 'Your Local Area: School' by Ruth Thomson. This is a non-fiction text and we will be exploring its features and then trying write some pages of our own about the history of our school. Reading I have noticed some children are not reading at home. Reading at home is part of Year 1 homework and is an expectation. Please remember to read with your child everyday on a weekday for 5 minutes. This is absolutely crucial to progress especially at this time when we don't have volunteer readers. Maths We finish our work with Number and place value this week and will be consolidating these facts. Homework Challenge Can you take a trip to the Church to have a look around? Can you spot any symbols of Christianity like the Cross or Fish (Icthus)? Can you find the font where babies are christened? Where do you think people stand when they get married and take their vows? Can you remember what some of those vows mean to Christians? Draw some pictures and label them clearly! RE In RE this week we are looking at what communities we belong to and noting how different faith communities show they belong through symbols and actions. We take a close look at the story of 'The Lost Sheep' and try to find its meaning in the context of Christianity. We look at how Christians welcome new members into their faith and how Christians show their love for someone when they get married. We compare some of these symbols and actions with those found in the Jewish faith. |
February 2025
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