Chestnut Class
It has been an enjoyable week in Chestnut Class this week with lots of great work and super motivation from the children. Bluebelle is our star learner this week. She has been a real role model to the other children in her enthusiasm to take part in discussion and answer questions across the syllabus but particularly in Maths. Literacy As you know we are following the Read, Write Inc program for out Literacy. Groupings will change next half term and I will inform each of you individually of your child's grouping. I would like to inform you that moving up these groups (unlike before) is highly dependent on fluency and speed. Speed of reading is timed (words per minute). As a ball park figure the majority of year one are aiming at 70 words per minute (this may vary according to your child's grouping). Again I will clarify with you individually what your child should be aiming for. Therefore, home reading becomes absolutely critical to this Literacy program. I have noticed a considerable drop in the frequency of home reading and I would ask you kindly that your child read to you for at least 5mins a day each week day. I will monitor this and contact you if needs be to see if I can help in anyway. Maths In Maths we have completed our work on fractions. I will assess the children's ability to identify halves and quarters of shapes and quantity on our return to school. Please follow this link for revision resources: Wider Curriculum In our wider curriculum we have been looking at Design and Technology. We have designed, made and evaluated our own class smoothie. The children considered the differences between fruit and vegetables and linking with our Science we thought about the part of a plant that we use when we eat fruit and vegetables. Children used knives to cut the fruit and designed a carton for our smoothie. We compared and evaluated our smoothie against two shop bought products. Homework Could the children design their own smoothie at home and make it! Please include the ingredients on the side of the carton and try to give your smoothie an exciting name that will entice children to want to drink it! Make it colourful and fun! Then evaluate your smoothie. Was it bright or dull? Was it juicy, grainy or mushy? did you like it? Have a wonderful half term! Mrs Budiman Chestnut Class
Mrs Doyle and Mrs Denney have done an amazing job teaching and nurturing the children over the past few months. We thank them both for their hard work, going above and beyond their duties to ensure the progress of the children in Chestnut Class and always striving to keep parents informed via Dojo and through our weekly blog/round up that can be found on the school website. Miss Heffer has been the backbone of the Chestnut Class operation and has given tremendous support to all. If as a parent you have concerns or questions we are available to speak. In Literacy the children are enjoying their group inputs based on the Read, Write, Inc program and we have seen some lovely letter writing this week. In particular our 'Star of the Week' Evie-May impressed us all with her letter and her generous spirit. Children will continue their individual group work next week. In Maths the children have been learning to find and recognise fractions of shapes and quantity. This week they have focussed on halves but next week we will be looking at quarters. In Science the children have been identifying the parts of a plant. If you fancy a wild plant spotting weekend please check out this website: In Geography, the children have been exploring the compass points North, East, South and West through games and activities. Spellings A simple mistake was made with the spellings that seems to have caused confusion to some parents. In light of some of the communications we are now going to release spellings on a Monday to be tested on Friday. Many thanks for your continued support. Mrs Budiman, Mrs Doyle, Mrs Denney and Miss Heffer. We have had great fun today in Chestnut class for Pyjamarama Day. The children enjoyed listening to some of their favourite stories from home and discussing what they thought the best bits were.
In English this week we have started a new book Hairy Fairy. The children have been writing their own sentences thinking about using vocabulary they have learned and remembering end punctuation. In maths we have been learning about division both as sharing and grouping. The class have worked with a partner to investigate and used equipment to show their understanding. We are moving on to learn about the fractions half and quarters next week. In science the children have been closely looking at their plants to see how much they have grown and what changes have taken place. They have learned the differences between evergreen and deciduous trees and how trees change throughout the year. In art the children have been using watercolour paints to draw flowers and plants from the locality. A shorter week this week but Chestnut class have been busy and working hard!
In maths we have continued with our topic of multiplication and division. This week we have been looking at arrays and the link with repeated addition and/or multiplication. The children have used various mathematical equipment and objects from around the room to demonstrate their understanding. Next week we will look at methods of dividing; sharing and grouping, and linking it with what we know about with multiplication. In English the children had the opportunity for a piece of writing about Barker the dog. Using skills they had learnt; to construct sentences, include appropriate punctuation, and expanded noun phrases, the children wrote a short report of what Barker had been up to but how he was a hero in the end. In science, we have been looking at both wild and garden flowers, noting the similarities and differences. The children then produced beautiful watercolour paintings of the flowers. The beans are growing; some more than others. They are being watered and measured. For some some reassuring words to help good growth! it has been lovely to see how the children have settled into routines and working so hard in their learning. |
February 2025
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