Chestnut Class
Our Star Learner this week is Finley, who has impressed us with his focus in Literacy and good humour. We are very proud of him. Literacy This week in Literacy we have been reading 'Jade's Party'. Our big write has involved writing an invitation using a variety of descriptive vocabulary within noun phrases and the use of commas within a list. Please ensure you read for five minutes each day with your child, prioritising the RWI book that corresponds with our class book. Book Amnesty Please could you take a look on the bookshelf or elsewhere and return any books originating from school. It is very important all RWI books are returned as these are critical to our program and in very short supply. Maths The children have been working hard on their knowledge of place value. They are beginning to understand how numbers can be partitioned into tens and ones and how this can help us to draw conclusions when we compare numbers against each other. Please check the link from last week to review this learning with your child. Geography We have been studying the UK for the past couple of weeks and the children have learnt about its component countries, capitals and some of the human and physical features of each country. The children created their own maps (as seen in the assembly) using collage and did a fantastic job. Next Week...Assessments and Science Next week will be assessment week and we will continue our work on plants. Have a good weekend! Mrs Budiman and Miss Heffer Chestnut Class
Another week has flown by in Chestnut Class. Our 'Star Learner' this week is Ross-John, we are proud of the way he is working and the commitment he demonstrates - Well done! Literacy This week in Literacy we have been looking at a book called 'The Jar of Oil'. The children wrote some lovely letters to the Prince begging for another jar of oil. They explored correct punctuation and the use of adverbs and adjectives as a way to add interest to their writing. The RWI storybooks sent home should correspond to the books we are reading in class. For some of you we have had to make some books. Please make sure your child reads this book during the week as a priority. It will help them to learn the key vocabulary in the book we use in school. Maths We continue our work on Place Value to 100 next week. There are several core skills children should practice for this unit: Counting forwards to 100. Counting backwards from 100 (lots struggled with this). Counting in tens. Counting forwards and backwards from any given number. Practise these skills with your child and check this link for further revision: Wider Curriculum This week we have been learning about the UK. Specifically its four countries, capitals and surrounding seas. We have also touched upon the human and physical features of the different countries within the UK and this will continue next week. I hope we will be able to tie this in with some art as well to really consolidate this work. Please watch this video with your child. Have a great weekend! Mrs Budiman Chestnut Class
The children have had a busy and rather warm week in the classroom. Jude is our Star Learner this week, his attitude to learning is really impressing us and his jolly persona is always a joy to see. Literacy This week in RWI we have been looking at a new text 'Our House'. Each week as part of this program the children read and re-read the text in order that they gain fluency. They also practise, almost daily the red and green words, associated with the text, in order that they begin to recognise these by sight. You can also practise doing this with the books sent home. The spellings sent home with the children are also explored and practised but it is essential that this is also done at home. We want the children to learn these for a lifetime not just a day! Maths This week we have been looking at Geometry: Position and Direction. This will be assessed on Monday. If you would like your child to revise for this assessment please see the link below: Wider Curriculum Thank you so much for the amazing 'Smoothie' homework you did, this really helps to consolidate our learning in class. I have popped some of these on a display in class. This week we have been looking at PSHE and considering how to keep safe, thinking about people we trust and how we are the same and different. Homework As always please read for five minutes each week day with your child. Review the red and green words at the front of your books. Please practise spellings for the week. Next week we will start our Geography unit on the UK. Please watch this video with your child to introduce them to this topic. Think about and discuss these questions: Points for discussion: · What are the four countries of the United Kingdom? · What are the capital cities of each country ? · What is a human feature in geography? · What is a physical feature in geography? · Can pupils describe the human and physical features of a place they know well? Have a great weekend! Mrs Budiman |
January 2025
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