Dear Parents,
Our 'Star Learner' last week was James. He has shown incredible perseverance and grit this week producing a great story. Literacy In Literacy we have written our final story for the unit we have been covering based on the book Beegu. The children tried incredibly hard and worked hard on their final pieces. Maths In Maths they have been exploring addition and subtraction within 20. Extending their knowledge of number bonds to 10 upwards to 20. Wider Curriculum Miss Penny has been busy completing her windmills for the children's Design and Technology project. In Science we continue our work on Weather and how this changes through the seasons. Homework Books and Reading Records On Friday the children were given a new homework book. Each week we will give the children their sounds, words, spellings and maths homework in this book. Please ensure your child's homework book, reading record and reading book come to school each day. Daily Reading Unfortunately due to time constraints and staffing please be aware that it is not possible for us to read with your child daily. This is something we expect to happen at home and should be recorded in your child's reading record daily. Any reading we do at school should be considered as additional to what is done at home and not as a replacement. Inevitably if this is not done children's progress does tend to stall or even go backwards without the necessary practise and consolidation. Five minutes daily will make a huge difference to your child's ability to read and confidence. The only way to encourage children to read and build confidence is to read with them! Kind regards, Mrs Budiman Comments are closed.
November 2024
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