Dear Parents
Our star learner last week was Freddie! He has put in an amazing effort at school and at home with his work - we are really proud of you Freddie! Literacy RWI continues and once again I just want to remind you to read with your child daily. Please keep reviewing the sounds - particularly Set 2 and 3 on the sheet provided. Maths The children are moving onto a new unit of work looking at 2D and 3D shapes. There are lots of lovely songs and videos on this topic on You-Tube to enjoy. Nativity If your child has words to learn (many don't) please do practise with them, they will need to know these off by heart. Illness There are lots of coughs and colds in class at the moment - please do keep children at home if they are too poorly for school. Kind regards, Rebecca Budiman Comments are closed.
February 2025
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