The highlight of our week has to be our Early years trip to Rosemoor Gardens on Tuesday!
It was a lovely warm and sunny day, perfect for our workshop all about Bees..... did you know that a bumble bees have a really long tongue, honey bees have a very short tongue and bees dance in a figure of eight to tell other bees where the pollen is. The children all made bee crowns and did a bee dance, we went on a bee hunt, planted a pot of seeds to grow at home and after our lunch explored the play area. We even had time to take a quick look at the fish in the pond before heading back to the coach for our return journey, sun kissed and ready for a siesta. Have a lovely half term, Early years team During PE on Tuesday we turned into beans, French beans, string beans, frozen beans and jelly beans, before we turned into Giants! stomping through the castle. Lots of lovely time spent outside with a visit from year one and years six today. Team work on the decking and retelling stories together.
It's been a long time coming but at last the season of sun hats and sun cream is here.
Acorn children have had such a lovely week of outdoors learning on the decking and at forest school. camp building, water decorating the decking (and each other) washing Dinosaurs, making snakes, pond dipping with Mrs Ware fast times and calm time all outside. We were interrupted by loud noises and men at work when some people came to cut two trees down, although we were sad to see the trees go we have put the logs to good use and worked together to create a sitting circle at the Ted Hughes shelter. Reminders - PLEASE label all of your child's belonging, including snacks Drink bottle Sun hats and sun cream A change of clothes Nappies and wipes A bag for wet/messy things nappy sacks School lunches must be ordered by Thursday for the following week Quote for the week - A sunny day is a happy day Have a lovely weekend everyone How can it be Friday again already?
The week has been filled with perseverance, team work, creativity and moments enjoying natures beauty. It has been such a treat spending more time outdoors and today we were joined by year one! Our topic on Growing continues to grow and we have discovered that not only do things grow outside but, we grow and bubbles do too! Reminders PLEASE label all drink bottles and snacks, nappies and wipes should be provided along with sun hats and sun cream. Quote for the week - Perseverance, the secret of all triumphs. Have a lovely long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday EY Team. |
AuthorWelcome to the blog for Acorns Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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