Week Beginning 28.02.22 It has been another very busy week in Beech Class. In Literacy we learnt about adverbs and how they give the reader more information about the verb. We investigated spelling patterns and applied this to our writing. Using the language patterns found with our book 'Ellsworth Extraordinary Electric Ears' we wrote our own anecdotes for other items found within the pictures. Here are some examples from our independent writing: Holly the happy horse hastily hopped over the horrid, huge house; The big baby badly batted the blue balloon over the baboon's bottom; The playful pirate's pet perfectly pecked the purple pants. On Friday we then turned our anecdotes into calligram poems. We were also able to brilliantly write these in the shape of something found within our picture. In maths this week we have continued our work on shape. We were successfully able to find lines of symmetry within shapes. We had lots of fun sorting shapes into different categories. We then used mathematical language to compare how we had sorted the shapes. We then applied our knowledge to problems. In science we have continued to learn about living things. We revised all the different processes that living things do and came up with an action for each one to help us remember. We also investigated different types of food chains. We looked at what different animals eat and how the energy is transferred. From this we drew our own food chains. Next week we are going to be starting a new text called 'Slime' and are really looking forward to following the instructions to make our own slime! Week Beginning 28.02.22 It has been a very busy first week back in Beech Class! In Literacy we have started a new book 'Ellsworth Extraordinary Electric Ears' which has has lots of interesting vocabulary. We really enjoyed playing eye spy trying to find all the objects with the same letter within the pictures. We also learnt about the possessive apostrophe and found the many examples within the text. From this we wrote our own sentences that use this punctuation. On Friday we wrote new dictionary entries for some of the words we were unsure about from the text. We found synonyms and antonyms and made a picotword. Next week we are going to write new anecdotes for the pictures. This week in Maths we have started learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We are beginning to look at the names of the different shapes and how we can sort them. We will be looking at their properties, focusing on how many sides, edges, faces and vertices they have. It would be super if the children started to look for shapes around them in their environment, talking about their properties. We have started our new Geography topic on the Seven Continents. The children did Miss Radbourne's Geography quiz and all found it quite a challenge. The key things the children need to know are the names of the seven continents and five oceans. They also need to learn the four compass directions. We will continue to learn these at school too. This week we looked at which are the biggest and smallest continents and where we are in the world. In PE we worked on our balance, working hard to balance along a line, travelling forwards and backwards. We watched each other and gave each other useful feedback. In Life Lessons, we talked about big feelings. We talked about good and bad big feelings and how to deal with the ones that aren't so nice, such as feeling angry or upset. This week we also celebrated World Book Day. On Thursday we all designed our own T-Shirts using our favourite books as inspiration. Our designs looked amazing! On Friday we dressed up in our favourite characters or in our T-Shirts. In the afternoon we completed some fun World Book Day activities. Week Beginning 14.02.22 What a busy week last week of half-term we have had in Beech Class! In Literacy we read poems about the Great Fire of London. We investigated what makes interesting to read. We watched videos of Michael Rosen to see how he uses actions and his voice to make the poem interesting to the listener. We found his poems very funny especially Hot Potato. This inspired us to read our poems with interesting voices and actions. We then discovered how rhyme can also make a poem interesting. We found all the rhymes in the Great Fire of London poem and discovered the pattern. We then made other rhymes for some of these words. Finally we investigated the effect of onomatopoeia. We listened to the sound of a burning fire and came up with words that could describe this. Next half term we will be starting a new, unique book which we be a surprise! We shall also be learning how to use the apostrophe for possession. In maths we continued with our statics topic. We learnt how pictograms can have different scales and what half a picture means. We then learnt about block diagrams and how we can represent tally charts and pictograms as block diagrams. Some of our class investigated which chart we should use for various sets of data and why some were better than others. In science we completed our topic on the human body. We looked at the results of our bread experiment which we started last week. However, because the bags were very strong and air tight it had prevented the bread from going as mouldy as it should have! We then investigated the different roles scientists have both in the past and present at keeping us healthy. Next half term we are going to be learning all about habitats. Week Beginning 07. 02.22 It's been a bit of a back to front week this week, with Ms Birnie and Mrs Ahmad swapping days but the children have been super. As always we have been very busy but we have also tried to also think about how we look after ourselves for Children's Mental Health Week. The children created a happiness list of things they enjoy doing and could use if they were feeling a bit sad or low. We thought about all the people and activities that bring us joy and make us feel better. The children also created some leaves for a display, which they painted and wrote about their strengths. In English the children have been writing diary entries for a day that is really memorable to them. They were encouraged to use past tense, correct punctuation and lots of feelings words. In Maths we have started our unit on Statistics and have started to learn about tally charts and pictograms. Today the children were interpreting data on a pictogram and answering questions. This week in science we looked at the importance of good hygiene. We conducted an experiment to see how far germs can spread and the importance big washing our hands. We also looked at other ways we can be hygienic. We set up a bread experiment to see the conditions which mould grows. In Art we have started to look at Cityscapes and we are exploring the work of Ton Schulten. We examined the lines he uses in his pictures and also what he does with the different colours. We will continue this next week. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to our last week before the February break! Week Beginning 31.01.22 Well done Beech class for another very busy week. This week in Literacy we learnt all about the past progressive tense. We are able to confidently use 'was' and 'were' correctly! We also understood the difference between simple past tense and past progressive tense and were able to use both in our writing. We planned a diary entry for the Great Fire of London. We imagined we had to escape from the raging fire that was getting close to our wooden house. What would we do with our possession? How could we escape? From this we wrote the most amazing diary entries that not only included main events but lots of feelings. We all up levelled our vocabulary and instead of using 'sad' and 'tired' we used words such as devastated and exhausted. We wrote our diary entries on tea-stained paper which we made. Next week we are going to be writing personal diaries about our favourite day. In maths this week we have continued to focus on multiplication and division. We know all understand why the biggest number goes first when we divide and goes after the equals sign when we multiply. We are now very confident at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and are able to now count mentally using these numbers. We also investigated odd and even numbers and found out what happens when you add different variations of these numbers. In science this week we investigated the human life cycle. We discussed how the differences between each stage of the life cycle and drew labelled pictures to explain each stage. Next week we are going to be investigating the importance of hygiene. In computing we listened to a piece of music that reminded us of an animal. From this we made our own animal sounds using Chrome music. We changed the different sounds and experiment with pitch and length of sounds. We had lots of fun listening to each others animals and trying to guess which animal was which. Week Beginning 24.01.22 We have had another very busy week in Beech class! This week in Literacy we did lost of work on the simple past tense. We investigated the difference between regular and irregular verbs. We also learnt that when we change regular verbs to the past tense, we use the suffix 'ed' not 't'! We started a new text 'the Diary of Samuel Pepys,' which is linked to our history topic. We closely read his diary and inferred what was happening. On Thursday we imagined we were a policeman around the time of the Great Fire of London and thought of questions we would like to ask someone who was there at the time. We then took it turns to ask our questions! On Friday we listened to a raging fire and we saw pictures painted at the time. We then used our senses to write about what was happening in one of the pictures. We used very impressive, high level vocabulary. Next week we are going to be writing a diary as a person living during the Great Fire of London. In maths we have continued with our multiplication and division topics. We have got really good at understanding equal groups. We were able to apply this to a number of questions and apply to reasoning questions. On Friday we looked at different mental maths strategies for addition and subtraction. We found this very difficult so we are going to continuing working on this. In science we investigated food groupings. We looked at the purpose of each food group and different foods that are in these groups. We then researched how much of each group we should be eating before designing a healthy meal. We decided that our favourite group was the fats and oils! Next week we are going to be investigating getting older. We used chrome music maker to make music! Some of our beats were very funky and we all had a good dance. Some of us were very surprised to see that we could use a computer in this way. We are going to be continuing with this next week. Week Beginning 10.01.21 This week in Literacy we continued with our new book 'Katie in London.' We focused on the function and purpose of adjectives and found lots of examples in the text before thinking of our own. We then applied this to our story writing. We wrote exciting stories all about Katie's adventures in London. Next week we are going to make our own stories about Katie visiting Devon. We also discussed which is our favourite book and why it is our favourite. We were able to talk about the characters and main plot. From this we wrote book reviews. In maths we continued learning about multiplication and division. We learnt want the times symbol meant. From pictures we were able to write multiplication statements and sums. We also started a weekly arithmetic lesson in which we focused on accurate addition. In science we learnt why exercise is important for not only our bodies but also our mind. We planned an experiment to test how our heart and breathing are effected by exercise. Next week we are going to conduct our fair test experiment. Week Beginning 03.01.21 Welcome back Beech Class! This week in Literacy we started our new book 'Katie in London.' We are really enjoying this story! In groups with pretended to be one of the characters from the story then inferred how they would be feeling and thinking. We freeze framed a scene from the book. We then came up with a list of questions that we would like to ask about the exciting adventure before interviewing one of the characters. We used conjunctions in our speech to extend our answers. Next week we are going to be using this information to write stories. In maths we have started our new topic - multiplication and division. We were all brilliant at being able to recognise equal and unequal groups. Our reasoning skills have certainly improved as we were able to confidently explain our answers. We are going to continue with this topic next week. In science we have moved on to learning about the body and healthy eating. We looked at some of the main organs and the different functions that they had. We used the model to look closely at each organ. We then considered what it would be like if we had no bones. Next week we are going to be conducting an experiment to see the effect it has on our breathing. In computing we listened to 'The Planets' by Holst. We discussed the differences in music and which was our favourite and why. We then created a repeating pattern, first with clapping and then using different musical instruments. Next week we are going to create a piece of music using a computer program. Week Beginning 06.12.21 Across the school it has been assessment week and in Beech class we have tried our very best which is the most importance think. We all should be very proud of ourselves! In science this week we looked at the different roles people can have in relation to space. We discovered that there are lots of important jobs that people to to enable astronauts to go to space. We discussed each of the different jobs and decided to pick the one we would like to be. Most of us would like to be a design the space suits. We came up with some really cleaver and interesting designs including making them colourful so astronauts would stand out in space! We also performed our Nativity. We had all learnt our lines and delivered them with great performance. We have a lot of budding actors and actresses within our class. We also sang all of the songs loudly and clearly. We all looked amazing in our costumes! Our performance could be shown in the cinema! We also made Christmas pouches in DT. We carefully cut a piece of Christmas fabric. We then drew an outline of where the stitches should go. From this we used a very neat running stitch making sure each stitch was small and with no large gaps. We then turned our pouches inside out. We now have to think of goodies to put inside! Next week we have lots of exciting and fun things planned for our last week of term. We are also going to be learning about poetry by looking at poems about the Nativity. Week Beginning 29.11.21 It has continued to be another busy week in Beech class! This week we used the computers to research about an animal of our choosing. We found lots of facts about habitats, diet and appearance. From this we then wrote humorous questions to match each of the headings. From this we then wrote the most interesting reports about our animals. We used all the skills we had learnt this year to make our writing interesting for the reader for example conjunctions and sentence openers. We then edited our writing as next week we are going to publish it! In maths this week we have continued learning about money. We have had great fun using the coins to make different amounts. Our counting has improved considerably! We were able to confidently compare two amounts and use our reasoning skills to say why they were different. In science this week we looked at space exploration. We were amazed to discover that fruit flies were the first living things in space as most of us thought it was a dog! We also watch a clip from the 1969 moon landings. We made timelines to show when the important events in space exploration have occurred. In our P.E lessons with Southwest Saints, we continued to practice our throwing and catching skills. We applied our skills to a game of bench ball! We were great at finding spaces! We have also been learning our songs and words for the Nativity. We are sounding really good now and it is going to be a great performance! Week Beginning 22.11.21 This week we have had another busy week in Beech class! We have continued with our book. We investigated different types of sentences and how conjunctions can add or change the meaning. Using what we learnt last week, we created a fact file about octopuses. From this we then wrote a list of humorous questions. On Friday we answered our questions by using the facts we had found: Would an Octopus go to MacDonald's? No an octopus would not like going to MacDonald's because he east raw fish, shellfish and crabs! A better place would be a sushi restaurant! (Able). Next week we are going to be researching our own animals to write about. In maths we started a new topic: Money. We were very good at recognising the value of different coins and notes. We were able to find which amounts had the most. We also used a number skills from last week to rearrange the amounts to find number bonds before adding. We also developed our reasoning this week and how we can explain our answers. In science we discovered what stars and constellations are. We were blown away by the number of stars within the universe. We had lots of questions about what might be in our universe. We then looked at different constellations and using stars and chalks drew the Big Dipper. Our pictures looked amazing! For computing this week we investigated whether it is better to take a picture landscape or portrait. We also continued practicing for our nativity. Week Beginning 15.11.21 This week in Beech class we started our new book ‘Could a Penguin Ride a Bike?’ We found the book very humorous as some of the questions were quite silly! From this we learnt the different between a fact and a statement. We also very much enjoyed learning lots of new facts about penguins and we used the text to make our own fact files. We then used this to create visual maps. Next week we are going to be writing all about octopuses. In phonics we learnt about silent letters. In maths we have continued with our addition and subtraction topic. We used a variety of resources and methods to add an subtract including the bar model, part whole model and column method. We were able to efferently add 3 numbers by first finding the pair of numbers that made 10. We also used our number bonds to add to 100. We were able to apply our knowledge to a range of problems and reasoning questions. In science we learnt how the Earth orbits the sun and how the moon orbits the Earth. We discovered it takes 365 days for the Earth to go around the sun. We also used a model to show how the Earth rotates on its axis. We then our own models to show how this works. On Friday we had great fun dressing up for Children in Need. We had super heroes, footballer, Anna from Frozen, Mildred Hubble and many more. We completed some exercises around Mindfulness and how breathing can help us to relax. We also sang and danced to the Children in Need song. We have also begun to practice our songs for our Nativity. We are already sounding amazing; it is going to be a wonderful performance. Next week we are going to be learning about starts and constellations in science. In Literacy we are going to find out if an octopus can climb a skyscraper! In phonics we are going to be reading words that end in the suffix /tion/. Week Beginning 08.11.21 This week have had a very busy week and produced some amazing work! In Literacy we wrote all about how the items in our classroom got stuck on top of the bookcase! We looked at a picture book about a very cunning cat who tried to eat the fish whilst the man was sleeping. Using what we learnt last week about conjunctions and sentence openers, we wrote the most brilliant and funny stories to show what happened. We also learnt how to use ellipsis in our writing and really enjoyed using sound effects for these when reading out loud. Maths this week we found quite tricky especially splitting numbers into tens and ones. We used lots of practical resources to help us as well as using our own drawings. We then carefully counted in tens and ones to find the answer. By the end of Friday we were able to confidently do this and was really proud of our determination to keep going! We had lots of fun in science learning about the planets. We were really surprised to discover that Venus is the hottest planet despite not being closest to the sun. We found interesting facts about all the planets and then discussed the appearance of each one. We then made our own solar system which we will display. In our Saints P.E lesson this week we played lots of team games. We especially liked trying to get the tails from the foxes! As part of our work on remembrance, we made beautiful poppy pictures. Next week we are starting a new text, 'Can a Penguin Ride a Bike?' and in maths we are going to be subtracting. We are also going to be learning the songs for our nativity. Week Beginning 01.11.21 It was lovely to see everyone back after the half term. This week we started a new book called Stuck by Oliver Jeffers. We really enjoyed the story and found it very amusing that Floyd threw a house and a whale up a tree just to rescue a kite! Unfortunately our frog Fred got stuck up the top of the very tall bookcase in our classroom. Just like Floyd in the story, we tried throwing all sorts of objects up to rescue him! In the end he was saved by a smelly, old welly! We wrote some excellent sentences using high level conjunctions to explain what we had done. Next week we are going to write about a naughty cat getting into lots of trouble just like Floyd. In maths this week we have been adding and subtracting crossing tens. We used lots of different resources including number lines. We are very good at counting forwards and backwards in jumps of ones. Our next step is to try and jump in bigger jumps. We also started our new topic in science: Space. We were all very excited to hear this was our new topic. We learnt what is meant by space and what we can find there. We watched a live video showing the astronauts on the international space station. We were very lucky to see them do a space walk. From the international space station we say the moon and Earth. Next week we are going to be making the solar system. We also designed our own Christmas cards using a range of techniques. They look amazing and could definitely be sold in the shops! Week Beginning 18.10.21 It’s been a busy last week of term in Beech class! In English we have been writing letters to children in our book ‘This is how we do it.’ The children in Beech class have been telling the children from around the world all about their lives here. We have been really impressed with how hard the children have worked to include expanded noun phrases and ask questions to the children they are writing letters to. In Maths we have continued to work on addition and subtraction. This week’s focus has been on adding and subtracting ones and tens. The children have found this pretty challenging, but we are using our Growth Mindset and not giving up. In Geography we continued to compare our lives with the lives of people in a village in Zambia. We used the food diaries that the children completed at home to compare diets. We also looked at houses and home life. We did get a bit distracted by the food diaries and had a lovely conversation about our favourite foods! In RE we touched upon the religion of Islam and the beliefs of Muslim people. In science we finished our topic about light by looking at shadows. We investigated how shadows are made and how we can make them bigger and smaller. We watched a video about the three little pigs using shadows and used this to inspire us to make our own shadow puppet show. We hope you all have a lovely, restful week and look forward to seeing you all again after the half term break. Week Beginning 11.10.21 We have had a really great week in Year 2 enjoying the last of the summer sunshine. In Literacy we wrote brilliant reports all about a day in the life of a child in Japan using the knowledge we had gathered from our class text. We were able to confidently include expanded noun phrases and uses commas to separate adjectives. We all were able to maintain the present tense throughout our writing which was a major achievement. On Friday we thought about what life is like for us and produced thoughtful plans for our writing next week. It was really lovely to hear everyone talk so proudly about their families and what they like to do. In maths this week we have continued with our topic of addition and subtraction. We have made lots of progress since last week and are all much more confident at finding the inverse. We were also able to use our knowledge of number bonds to find known numbers. In the afternoons we have continued with our geography topic and learnt all about African animals. We also looked at a Nshima recipe. In P.E we continued to practice our throwing and catching skills and also played lots of team games. Next week we are going to be finishing off all of our topics in time for a well deserved holiday. Week Beginning 04.10.21 We have had another very busy and enjoyable week! In Literacy in class we have started a new book called 'This is how we do it,' which is all about the everyday lives of children in countries around the world. We really enjoyed finding out about different families and discussing the difference between each country. This week we have been learning about expanded noun phrases and how they can improve our writing. We wrote some fantastic sentences about scenes from Devon and also about life in Italy. Next week we are going to be writing all about Kei who lives in Japan. In our Read Write Inc lessons we have been reading a book called 'Come on Margo.' We have really improved at doing our hold a sentence activities and thought very carefully about the order of words when writing a sentence. In maths we have now finished our work on place value and have started our addition and subtraction block of work. We investigated fact families and used Numicon to help us understand how to write a number sentence. We learnt that when we subtract the biggest number goes first. This was a very tricky concept and we all tried really hard. We are going to be continuing with this next week. In science this week we completed an experiment to find out which materials were reflective. We found that shiny, metallic materials were best for reflecting. We came up with some actions to describe why some materials are reflective and some materials are non-reflective. This week we also started our geography topic; contrasting localities. We are comparing North Tawton with Mugurameno Village in Zambia. We completed a fact finding mission looking at flag, animals and food found there. We also investigated the importance of the river. Next week we are going to be continuing with our geography topic and in science we are going to investigate how shadows are formed. Week Beginning 27.09.21 We have had another very busy and enjoyable week! In Literacy in Read Write Inc we have been reading a book called 'Too Much' about a very grumpy girl. We wrote interesting stories about why she was grumpy and how we could make her happy. In class we wrote interesting stories all about our tiny friend using the ideas that we have gathered in the previous week. We learnt about expanded noun phrases and how we could use the adjectives from last week in our stories to make them more interesting for the reader. As part of our computer work, we were learning how to use a keyboard. We used these skills to publish our favourite part of our stories. In art we used water colours to paint a picture that matched a scene from our writing. In maths this week we continued to compare numbers using mathematical vocabulary and symbols. We then learnt how to count in 2s. We investigated which numbers were in the two times table and why. On Friday we then learnt how to count in 5s. We discovered that when we count in 5s our numbers always end in either a 5 or 0. We were brilliant at counting up in both 2s and 5s and are working hard at being able to count backwards! In science we discovered learnt about why we have night and day. We found that there are 24 hours in a day because this is how long it takes for the Earth to do a complete rotation. We also looked at how the moon changes and now know that the moon is not a light source. In groups we then used equipment to demonstrate how the Earth and Moon move in relation to the sun. This week we also had a visit from the OCRA coaches who helped us to improve our football and basket ball skills. The coaches were most impressed with how the children preserved with the tasks. Next week in Read Write Inc we will reading a book called 'A Good Cook' and in class we will be starting a new book 'This is how we do it,' which is all about children around the end. In science we are going to be learning about reflective materials. Week Beginning 20.09.21 We have had a very busy and enjoyable week! In Literacy in Read Write Inc we have been reading a book all about a bad fright. From this we then wrote interesting descriptions about a witch. In class we have continued with our story 'My Favourite Game,' and wrote an introduction to our miniature person explaining where they like to go and what they like to do. We then came up with solutions to some of the problems our friends encountered and came up with interesting solutions for example using a paperclip as a grapple hook. We then thought of many ambitious and interesting adjectives to describe the objects and setting in the story. In maths we have had a very successful week. We have been counting objects to 100 and learning to read and write the appropriate numbers. We have been partitioning into tens and ones before recombing. We had lots of fun using the place value coins and deines to represent our numbers. We are also very skilled at drawing our own diagrams to represent each number. On Friday we learnt that addition can be written in different ways but will still give us the same answer. We have also been trying really hard to extend our fluency skills. In the afternoons we continued science topic about light. We discovered how a light source produces a light before travelling in a straight line to the object. It then bounces off object before travelling to our eyes and into our pupils. We have also started our computing topic 'technology and the world around us.' We learnt the names of different parts of the computer and their uses. We the developed our mouse skills by completing many jigsaw pupils. After we drew pictures using a paint programme that were very colourful! In art we enjoyed doing some rubbings outside. Next week in Read Write Inc we will reading a book called 'Too Much' and in class we will be writing our stories about the exciting adventures of our miniature people. In maths we are going to be counting in 2s and 5s. In the afternoons we will be continuing our computing topic by developing our keyboard skills and in science we will be learning about night and day. Week Beginning 13.09.21 We have had a very busy and enjoyable first full week back! In Literacy some of our class have continued to follow our Read Write Inc programme to improve our spelling and reading. In class we have started a new text 'My Favourite Game,' from the 'Book of Hopes.' Using our clay models from last week, we went around the school and found different situations that our miniature people might find themselves in from enjoyable settings like a picnic to more dangerous situation for example in a bin with a gigantic spider! We then wrote feeling, thought and speech bubbles from the point of view of our miniature people. We also watched a video of a bee to see what it is like to be a tiny thing in a big world. In maths we have begun learning about place value. We used resources to find tens and ones in different combinations. We partitioned numbers and recombined. We also used greater than, less than and equal symbols to record our answers. In the afternoons we have begun our science topic about Light. We had great fun in the dark investigating what is a light source and ways the light shines. We found that some of our shoes were a source of colourful light! From this we then investigated how light travels. We used card with holes and torches to make the light shine from one end to the other. We discovered we had to make sure that the holes were in a straight line for the light to appear at the other end. In Art we looked at patterns all around us and in nature. We then used various objects to print patterns on clack and white paper. In P.E we played a range of games and continued to improve our ball skills. Next week we are going to be continuing with our new text and learn to write introductions. In maths we are going to further our knowledge of place value and in science learn how we see light with our eyes. Week Beginning 8.9.21 It was delightful to welcome the children back and be able to all together again for assemblies. The children have all settled really quickly and are happy to be back with their friends. We have spent the first few days settling back into normal school life and agreeing our class charter based around three basic ideas: We are READY to learn; We are RESPECTFUL of each other and school property and We are SAFE in and out of school and online. As well as this we made miniature people out of clay which we are going to use as part of our lessons next week. We added wool to them and gave each one a name to make this as individual as we are. We also painted a self-portrait using water colours. This afternoon we had lots of fun in our P.E lesson with Saint Southwest and developed our throwing and catching skills. We then moved to look at how we can bounce the ball effectively to each other. Please see our Class Dojo page which has lots of information about our class routines and also reading at home. There are also lots of photographs of the class. Next week we are going to be learning about place value in maths and read the Book of Hopes in Literacy. We will also be starting our science topic all about Light. Week Beginning 5.7.21 This week we have had another busy week in Beech class ending in our sport's day! The children tried their best and completed each event with great enthusiasm. They also cheered loudly for each other and the other classes. We are now eagerly awaiting the results in Monday's special assembly. In Maths this week, we have been measuring and comparing capacity. We have been working practically with the water bath, measuring millimetres and litres. We also solved lots of reasoning problems. Some of us got a bit wet but we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! In Literacy we started our new book 'Slime!' We evaluated the instructions from last week before investigating the different features of instructional texts. We then turned statements into commands before up levelling a set of instructions to include conjunctions and sentence openers. We have carried on with Geography this week, comparing a rural village in Zambia with our town. We learnt a lot about the school in Mugurameno. We studied photos of the children, teachers, classrooms and playgrounds. We thought about what was the same and different to our school, and we had a go at explaining our ideas to each other. We voted with our feet, moving around the classroom to stand under the sign which we agreed with. We then used our oracy skills to justified our opinions. It was great to hear children using ‘because, so, if, but and although’ to extend their answers. They were interested to see that the children have a similar climbing frame but that only the boys were climbing on it. They also had a similar uniform to us and the same writing pencils! We noticed that they were studying Geography and that they had the same letters above the chalkboard. Some big differences were the lack of equipment such as computers and interactive whiteboards. We noticed that some children had to do PE without shoes. Once again, it was lovely to share some thoughtful conversations with Beech class. In Music, we have been practising singing this week. We learnt how to sing along to a backing track, and then compared this to following a vocal track on YouTube. After some practise, we decided it was much better using the backing track, as we could really showcase our voices. We also tried singing a song in difference keys in order to decide which was the most comfortable. Finally, we learnt how to hold a note without tailing off! Next week we are going to be inventing our own slime recipes before writing instructions. Last time we got very messy so we will see if we can improve! At the end of the week we are also going to be making edible slime which will be delicious, hopefully! In maths we are going to be learning about temperature and mass. We also going to be doing some junk modelling. Week Beginning 28.6.21 This week we have completed our end of year assessments. We are so very proud of every member of Beech class for their hard work and determination, not only during the assessments, but this entire year. This week in Geography, we have been using aerial photos to compare a village in Zambia with North Tawton. We noticed that both areas have roads and rivers. We spotted the traditional and modern houses in Mugurameno by looking at the shape of the roofs. We noticed that North Tawton has a lot more facilities. We are lucky to have a place of worship, town hall, restaurants and shops. Both places had schools! Next week we will compare the schools! Also this week, in RSE, we have been talking about the differences between male and female bodies this afternoon. We have learnt the proper names for parts of the body - which was a bit embarrassing at first, but after a fit of the giggles, I was really impressed with the whole class's attitude. We also talked about the different stages of the human life cycle from baby to old person. In Music, we have been learning to play the glockenspiels. We noticed that the notes have letters and there is a high and low C. We tried making loud and quiet sounds, like raindrops falling. We also played Baby shark together! Some children had a go at improvisation. In line with the RSE (relationships and sex education) curriculum for Key Stage one, we have been talking about the differences between male and female bodies. We have learnt the proper names for parts of the body - which was a bit embarrassing at first, but we were very impressed the whole class's attitude. We also talked about the different stages of the human life cycle from a baby to an old person. We drew a picture of what we might look like when we are an adult and as an older person. In P.E with Mr strong we had lots of fun practising for sport's day. Friday afternoon we had enormous fun making slime! At times it was very messy and the classroom looked we had been paint balling! However we had lots of laughs and it was certainly memorable. Our last Literacy topic is all about slime and if today is anything to go by, we are certainly going to enjoy ourselves! Next week we are going to be learning about measures in maths and continuing with our topic work. Week Beginning 21.6.21 Time is going so quickly in Beech class as we reach the end of another week. In Maths we have continued learning about time. We have learnt the time to the nearest five minutes using the words 'past' and 'to' but we haven't learnt digital time yet. We have been working out how much time has past by counting in jumps of five minutes. We noticed that a clock is a numberline. We have also recapped the four operations - both mental and written calculations. It's great to see how much our place value and number sense has improved over the year! In Literacy we invented our own stories based upon 'Lila and the Rain.' We decided that a great snow storm had come to North Tawton and had sent the scorching sun away. It was up to us to unfreeze the village by going to some of the landmarks within the local area for example the highest Tor in Dartmoor or the clock tower in the center of the village. We were all able use extended noun phrases and a range of conjunctions to make our stories more interesting. In Geography, we have been comparing traditional and modern houses in a Zambian village and North Tawton. We studied photos of houses from both locations. We noticed that both traditional houses were thatched. The big difference between our houses and those in Zambia were that we have running water, central heating and electricity. The person who showed us around their house in Zambia had to use batteries for power and a candle for light. One thing we had in common was the need for enough electricity to keep our gadgets powered up - people from both places love keeping in touch with others and listening to music! In science we looked at the importance of good hygiene. We put pepper in water and saw what happened to it. When then put soap on our fingers and compared what happened to the pepper. It showed us the importance of using soap to remove germs from our hands. Next week in assessment week and we know everyone is going to try their very best. In the afternoons we are going to be continuing with our geography and science topics. Week Beginning 14.6.21 We have had another busy but enjoyable week in Beech class! In maths we have continued to learn to tell the time and can show and tell the time confidently to half past, quarter to and quarter past. We also know how to tell the time past the hour. We all found telling the time to the hour quite tricky especially reading the minute hand. It is really important that we keep practising at home and at school so we can embed this necessary skill. In Literacy this week we had lots of fun role playing scenes from our book 'Lila and the Rain.' We freeze framed key points in the story, exploring characters' thoughts and feelings. From this we then changed the problem that Lila encountered. After carefully planned a new version before writing incredible stories. On Friday we edited and improved our writing using thesaurus to help up level our adjectives. Some extracts from our writing can be seen below. Next week we are going to continue to link to our geography topic, contrasting localities, and write a story based in our local area. In science this week we had enormous fun continuing with our health and wellbeing topic by devising exercise plans. We compared our heart rate at the start and after each of the different exercises. We also recorded how each of the exercises affected our bodies and the reasons why. We found some of the exercises had greater impact on our bodies than others. Next week we are going to look at the importance of good hygiene. In the afternoons we have also been making tally charts and inputting the data into an online pictograph. We practised labelling each item carefully. Next we collected data about pets to make block charts. We discovered the most popular pet was a dog and the least common were guinea pigs and hamsters. We used J2 data to make our block charts. Week Beginning 07.6.21 We have had a busy but very enjoyable first week back. In Literacy we started a new book called 'Lila and the Rain.' We used the book to create a map of Lila's village in Kenya and used thesaurus to up level our adjectives to describe the different parts of the map. From this we then wrote a description of the setting making sure we used all the words we had found. In maths this week we have been learning to tell the time and have played lots of games to support our learning. We are all able to confidently tell the time when it shows o'clock and half past. We were also able to find one hour earlier and later from a given time. We also learnt to find half an hour earlier or later although this was tricker and we will need some more practice next week. Telling the time is a really important skill so we need to keep practising at home! We have had lots of fun in the afternoons learning about health and well-being. First we investigated the types of food we should be eating. Next we found how much fat and sugar there are in our favourite treats. We carefully measured the amount of sugar in each product and compared the amounts. We were very shocked by the amount of sugar in some of our favourite foods. We then learnt about the importance of good dental care. We used 'Fred' the giant teeth and his friends to learn how to brush correctly. We also put a hard boiled egg in coke and left it for 24 hours. We couldn't believe that the shell peeled away so easily after it came out of the coke. It really showed us the importance of brushing our teeth. Finally we looked at the importance of different types of exercises and the impact on our bodies for example yoga to help keep us flexible so we can move easily without any pain. Most of all we decided that exercises should be fun and we had lots of fun trying out different exercise on the trim trail! In P.E with Mr Strong we have started our athletics topic. This week we learnt how to throw a javelin. One member of our class managed to throw it the entire length of the playground! We are going to be continuing to learn new skills this week in preparation for our sports day. Next week we are going to be writing new stories based upon 'Lila and the Rain' and are going to be continuing to learn to tell the time. Week Beginning 24.5.21 We have had a very busy week to finish off a very busy half term! In Literacy we continued with our writing from last week and wrote descriptions about different aspects of our oceans for example coral reefs. We also wrote about the impact of humans on our oceans in particular the impact of plastic. We finished our writing by telling the reader what they can do to save our seas. On Friday we turned into David Attenborough and recorded parts of writing to create our very own addition of 'Blue Planet.' In Maths, we have been learning about position and direction. We have been using the words ‘forwards, backwards, left, right and a quarter turn’. Most of us have learnt our left and right, but this is still something to practise at home! We have also learning how to write programs for the Beebots. First we wrote a set of instructions using ↑ ↓ → ← (this is an algorithm). Next, we programmed the instructions into the Beebot to make it move around a set of obstacles. Parents may remember carpet robots when they were at school – very little has changed in that respect apart from the computational language that we now use! Programming Beebots is the first step towards the more complicated Scratch programming that children will learn in KS2. We have been learning how to play B and A notes on the recorder. We have also learnt about the different musical notes and their time values. We enjoyed an online percussion lesson with some very talented musicians on Monday afternoon. They showed us how to play the vibraphone and marimba – explaining the way the damper bar works. The musicians played a medley of Disney tunes and challenged us to name each tune. They also playing ‘Baggy Trousers’ by Madness and we had a great dance! Finally, we joined in with some call and response on our percussion instruments. In RE, we have been learning about the special places, people, books, leaders, symbols and practises of the Jewish faith. We have compared these to similar special things in Christianity and in our own lives. We’ve also remembered the things we learnt about Islam last term and found similarities and differences between all three faiths. We shared an interesting conversation about how we might remember special people in a personal way. We also linked our RE to our other topic work and researched important people within the Jewish faith. We also completed our P.E topic which focused on batting, throwing and catching. We applied our skills to cricket and had enormous fun trying to knock down wickets. We definitely have the next Stuart Broad and Heather Knight in our class! Next term we are going to be learning all about Zambia and Kenya through a story called 'Lila and the Rain.' In science we are going to be investigating life cycles and the importance of staying healthy which also links to our PSHE topic 'health and wellbeing.' We also have lots of fun things planned to ensure our last term in KS1 is memorable! Week Beginning 18.5.21 This week in Literacy, we have been reading and writing all about Jacques Cousteau. We have been using expanded noun phrases and conjunctions to write very descriptively about deep sea diving. We enjoyed describing all the sea creatures that Jacques may have come face to face with! On Friday we watched a clip about how the Earth looks from international space station and from the moon. We used the writing we have been doing this week to write incredible noun phrases about the Earth. Next week we are going to be diving further into the sea before filming our very own version of Blue Planet. In maths we have been using different methods to take away. We are all now very confident and using number lines and can count forwards and backwards in multiples of tens and ones. We are also able to bridge through ten for example 54 - 27 we were able to take away 4, then 3 before taking away 20. We were able to apply our knowledge to dive deeper questions. Last week in Art, we experimented with modelling small figures. This week, we have been learning how to draw facial expressions. We learnt that the eyebrows, eyes and mouth convey the most emotions. We created different expressions by differing these features. We looked at some famous Pop Art and learnt a little bit about comic book art. We sketched our own portraits and then made a number of copies which we then coloured in the style of Andy Warhol! We have also continued with our explorer topic by focusing on Ibn Battuta. We mapped his exploration and found interesting facts. We found it quite surprising that he had ten wives! We looked the evidence left behind which ensures we know all about him and also why he is remembered. We then made a time line to show where he fitted with other famous explorers and found facts about each one. In groups we discussed where would would like to explore and why we would like to go there. Week Beginning 11.5.21 We have had another busy week in Beech Class! In Literacy this week, we have started reading about Jacques Cousteau, linking to our topic work on explorers. As a starting point, we thought about what it might be like to travel down a river on a boat. We imagined the rocking of the boat and the feeling of water splashing on our faces. We always try to make our lessons as immersive as possible - so some of us got a bit wet! We also found many examples of expanded noun phrases and used these in our writing about fish and plants living in the deep, blue sea. In maths we have been focusing on addition and subtraction. We used fact families to write associated number sentences and our mental maths skills to investigate whether statements were true or false. We also used the greater than and less than symbol to show which of our answers was bigger or smaller. On Friday we also added using number lines. We were all really good at adding tens to any number! In the afternoons, we have been modelling with wire. We made a small figure on day 1 and then thought about how we could improve it the next day. We used extra wool and wire to strengthen the body. We decided that modelling with wire is fun because we can make lots of small adjustments. We have also been learning about the equipment used by Robert Falcon Scott and Earnest Shackleton. We learnt that Scott preferred to wear wooden goggles - to protect his eyes from the blinding sun. Scott and Shackleton would have had to wear lots of layers with a heavy coat on top. They would have had buttons in stead of zips and velcro. While their clothes were much heavier, they were much less insulating and extremely hard to move in. These days Arctic explorers wear very light down coats which trap the body heat very effectively. On Friday we also participated in the whole school event 'Pyjamaram" We got to wear our pyjamas to school and listened to lots of stories. We wrote book reviews to help our friends choose their next book and we made book marks. We also read extracts from our favourite books. Next week we are going to be continuing with our explorer topic that we are very much enjoying. Week Beginning 4.5.21 This week we been especially focusing upon our writing. We continued to gather facts about Ernest Shackleton and looked at pictures of his adventures. From this we wrote the most incredible biographies that were not only bursting with facts but also used ambitious vocabulary, a range of sentence openers and accurate punctuation. We were so very proud of ourselves! On Friday we edited our writing by improving sentences and correcting any spelling mistakes. We also published a piece of our writing using the computers. We were all inspired by Shackleton's motto, "difficulties are just things to overcome." We discussed how when we find things hard we shouldn't give up and keep dreaming, just like he did. In maths we applied the four operations to problems involving length. It has been a little while since we used the more formal methods for addition and subtraction and we got a little bit muddled. Next week we are going to go back and focus on addition and subtraction to build our confidence once more. We were however, able to apply our multiplication and division skills to a range of problems including ones that had more than one step. We also all remembered how to find fractions of numbers from the previous weeks which was really great. In the afternoons we have been investigating other important explorers for example Christopher Columbus. We also looked at Walter Raleigh who was born in Devon like many of us! On a map we plotted where each explorer went and the dates they travelled. Everyone had so many interesting questions about all sorts of things related to the different time periods and we had lots of interesting discussions. From this we focused on Ibn Buttan and where he went. We planned what we would take on a expedition and why it would needed for example book to record the adventure. Next week in literacy we are going to be learning about Jacques Cousteau and in the afternoon we are going to be continuing to learn about Ibn Buttan. We are also looking forward to next Friday when we can wear our pjs to school and read lots of wonderful stories. Week Beginning 25.4.21 We have had another very busy week in Beech class! In Literacy, we have been finding out lots of information about Amelia Earhart. We enjoyed using the highlighters to mark the important information. We made lots of notes which helped us when writing biographies. Our biographies were very interesting with much improved sentence structure and vocabulary choices. On Friday we started to research another explorer, Ernest Shackleton, in preparation for our writing next week. In the afternoon we took inspiration from the illustrator of 'Little People, Big Dreams', Olivia Holden, and recreated our own islands. We thought about adjectives to describe what our island would be like and used natural materials that we had found during our Captain Tom challenge. In Maths, we have been measuring in centimetres and metres. We found making accurate measurements a bit tricky, especially when the object was more than one metre. We had to put our finger at the end of the metre stick and then move the stick to measure the next metre. We practised this a lot up and down the hallway! We learnt how to use a trundle wheel and measured the tennis courts. We then compared and ordered items in the classroom. We even ordered ourselves from the shortest to the longest. In Science, we have continued to learn all about plants and trees. We have been naming the parts of flowers and trees, and describing what each part does. We have been testing the conditions needed for germination and trying to investigate what plants need to stay alive. Over the weekend, we left one plant without water, and made sure that the other plant had plenty. The dry plant looked a bit sorry for itself after a few days. Unfortunately we didn't complete a fair test as some our plants in the dark had light! We also took part in the 100 challenge for Captain Tom. Linking with our science and maths work, we found 100 items from nature and then put them all in line before measuring the total length. Some of the items were really small for example a leaf and some were really big such as tree branch. To make it even more or a challenge we split into two teams to see who could make the longest line. The total length of the girls' items was 60m and the total length of the boys' items was 66m. Next week we are going to be continuing learning about explorers in our Literacy and history lessons. In maths we are going to be apply our knowledge of measure to the four operations. Week Beginning 18.4.21 It was lovely to welcome all the children back and hear about their holidays. In class we have started a new text, ‘Little People, Big Dreams Amelia Earhart’ and everyone is really enjoying it. We imagined we were Amelia and used role play and freeze frames to recreate her life. From this we wrote a class timeline showing the key events. We then watched a video showing her taking off on her final voyage before writing eyewitness accounts. Our writing has really improved as we were are using precise and ambitious vocabulary. In maths this week we finished learning about fractions and were able to apply our knowledge to a range of problems. We are all very confident and using our oral rehearsal to help us understand what we are doing and why. We’ve been doing lots of Science this week. On Monday, we learnt all about the different ways seeds find their own space to grow. They can be blown by the wind, carried on water or via animals and some seedpods explode to throw the seeds a distance from the plant. We designed our own seedpods and tested how far they could be blown by the wind - the winningdesigns were by George, Marnie and Ashton. What’s inside a broad bean? On Tuesday, we soaked the broad beans in water over night. We noticed that the seed coats split and came off easily.Inside, there was a yellow part. This is food for the baby seed. We spotted the seed embryo, which was very tiny and pointed. The seed embryo will grow into the shoot and root. We had lots of fun using the magnifying glasses! On Wednesday, we looked at different types of seed - pea, sweet corn,runner bean, broad bean, coriander, tomato and some flower seeds. They were all different sizes! We talked about the conditions needed for a seed to germinate and set up a test together. We planted 10 runner bean seeds,changing the conditions for each one. The factors we have changed are light,water, soil and temperature. What do plants need to live? On Thursday we investigated the importance of leaves and roots to a plant’s survival. We planted strawberries and changed their conditions to find out which is the optimum condition for growing. On Friday we had enormous fun pretending to be bees! We made attractive flowers and bees for our fingers. We went from flower to flower spreading pollen (Wotsits) just like real bees! Next week we are going to be continuing to learn about Amelia Earhart and we are excited to see the results of all our science experiments. Week Beginning 29.3.21 We have had a very a busy last week! In Literacy we used our imagination to write stories based on 'The Disgusting Sandwich.' The unfortunate animals got into all sorts of trouble with their food item ending up in swamps, the darkest depths of the sea, muddy puddles and many other places. Some of the animals in the stories even ended up being dinner for another creature! In maths we continued our work on fractions as we moved to investigate non-unit fractions. By the end of the week we were even able to apply our knowledge to finding non-unit fractions of Easter eggs! We have been throughly enjoying our P.E lessons with our new P.E teacher. We have participated in lots of games that have not only strengthened our hand eye co-ordination but also our team work skills. We really enjoyed working as a team to try and knock over all the cones! In the afternoons we have also continued learning about the Easter story and Spring. We had enormous fun in the nature garden again not only looking for signs of spring but also playing with our friends. We also had a discussion about the Easter story and made Easter baskets with some Easter treats. We are so proud of everyone in our class for the resilience and enthusiasm they have shown since returning to school. Everyone has worked hard and tried their very best which is why all of Beech Class was our Learner of the Week! Week Beginning 22.3.21 We have been learning about the Easter story in RE this week. We tried to spot Judas in the painting The Last Supper. The children had some good ideas about which person he was in the end though we had to Google it! We also learnt about Palm Sunday and watched a short film about Dan the Donkey - which explained about the parade Jesus took through Jerusalem. Although only Year 2, Beech class have been mature when talking about religion- they know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that respect of each others believes is an important British value. We had some fun acting out both the Palm Sunday parade and the Last Supper (everyone wanted to be the donkey and Judas). We also had a discussion about the importance of Jesus' words at the Last Supper. We then created friendship flowers with each petal showing a different quality that like about us. We are learning also about why Easter is important to Christians. We talked about new life and the changes we can see around us in Spring. We had a great time looking for signs of new life in the nature garden! We also had lots of fun playing outside with our friends. We have been rolling, jumping, running and chasing! We are so happy to be altogether again! In celebration we planted either a sweet pea or a pea in pots that we had made ourselves out of newspaper. Once the shoot grows we can then plant these in our garden as the pots are biodegradable. In Literacy, we have continued reading and retelling the story of the disgusting sandwich. The children really enjoyed all the revolting adjectives and came up with lots if their own! They have also got much better at editing and improving their writing and used dictionaries and word maps to help correct any spelling mistakes. In maths we have continued learning about fractions. We all understand the difference between the denominator and the numerator and able to apply this to halves, quarters and thirds. We also wrote really clear explanations about why fractions should have equal parts. Next week we are going to be continuing with our work on Fractions and we are going to be writing our own version of the Disgusting Sandwich. We are also going to do some Easter craft activities before we finish for the holidays. Week Beginning 15.3.21 This week in Maths, we started learning about fractions . It’s interesting how division helps us to understand fractions. We practised sharing counters into equal groups - this helped us understand halves. We also talked about equal shares of shapes.......pizzas, cakes, anything delicious! By the end of the week we were able to write precise explanations which demonstrated our knowledge and understanding. In Literacy we have started a new book called 'The Disgusting Sandwich' which we are very much enjoying. We used our acting skills to retell the and discussed at which point in the story we not eat the sandwich. One member of our class said they would eat it with sand on it because it is called a sandwich after all! We have also focused on developing our proof-reading skills, ensuring our spelling, punctuation and grammar are correct. In our Wider Curriculum lesson, we have been learning about hot and cold countries. We have naming continents, countries, poles and the Equator. On Monday, we actively gathered lots of information about Antarctica! On Tuesday, we learnt about how people, animals and plants survive in the desert. Wednesday we learnt that rainforests are very dense and have a number of layers. We learnt that they are close to the equator like deserts. Deserts are dry and hot, whereas rainforests are wet and hot. Antarctica is cold and dry. In some places it hasn’t rained for over 2 million years. On Thursday we investigated how animals have adapted to their environment and created a new animal that could live in either a hot or a cold country. We are learning so much about hot and cold places! On Friday we took part in the cross-country challenge and everyone ran a whole mile! We were very proud of our certificates. Next week we are going to be continuing learning about fractions and are going to be writing stories based upon 'The Disgusting Sandwich.' We are also going to be looking at why Christians celebrate Easter. Next week we are going to be revising Set 3 sounds in spelling as we are able to read them confidently but are not applying these to our writing. Here are some photographs from this week. There are lots more on our Class Dojo page. Week Beginning 08.3.21 We were delighted to welcome all the children back to Beech Class. The children have all settled back into school really well and have had lots of fun completing a wide range of activities including those that supported our mental wellbeing. In Literacy we linked our home learning to our writing and children brought in lots of facts to share about an animal from a hot country. From this we wrote interesting reports and painted some amazing watercolor pictures of our chosen animal. In maths we completed a range of activities that involved going outside and using musical instruments for place value and adding. This week we were also fortunate to work with the Dartmoor Ogden Partnership who provided us with the equipment to make rocket cars. Firstly we had to make the cars ensuring that the axel and the wheels were straight and the cap was screwed on tightly! Next came the fun part! Using a bicycle pump, we pumped air into the bottles and then tested to see how far they could travel. Lots went whoosing down the corridor although some liked to bump into the walls! It has been a really great week back and we are looking forward to all the interesting and fun activities we have planned for next week. Week Beginning 01.3.21 This week we have completed, what we hope is the very last, week of home learning and CWC. We have been learning all about 3D shapes. We learnt the difference between a flat shape and a 3D shape and we started describing 3D shapes according to the number of edges, faces and vertices. We also looked at repeating patterns, made 3D shapes with the polydron and with playdoh and straws. In Literacy we have continued to learn about reports. We used all the information we found last week to write leaflets about Emperor penguins. We edited and improved these before using our compute skills to publish them. In the afternoons, we learnt lots of new words for a range of emotions. In our topic work, we are learning about hot and cold places. We discovered that penguins and polar bears are from different poles and that there is an aurora in the South Pole, like the North Pole! We also celebrated World Book Day and dressed up as our favourite book character. We had great fun guessing who everyone was We shared stories and made a book character from a tube. In our final week of learning apart, we spent some time this week chatting online – it was so great to catch up with our friends! We are very much looking forward to being together as a class next week. Week Beginning 22.2.21 This week we have been learning all about 2D shapes in Maths. We have learnt how to spot vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry and we noticed that some shapes have lots of lines of symmetry. We have been making patterns with shapes. In Literacy we have been reading reports all about Penguins and learning how to extend our sentences. We have continued to practice our cursive and pre-cursive writing and we have revised different ways to write the sound /j/. We created beautiful hare collages using some colourful wallpaper. We have been programming Beebots to follow simple pathways through mazes and maps. We also practised being robots in the playground and following a simple set of instructions. From this we created maps with instructions to find buried treasure. It was lovely to catch up with home learners over Google meet, and some children who had not seen each other for a while were able to have a chat. Our home learners have continued to work very hard and we are looking forward to when we are all back together. Week Beginning 8.2.21 This week we have been reading the Shoemaker and the Elves, and developing our descriptive writing by using pairs of adjectives. We are really good at spotting and using adjectives but still need to think about using better words - for example ‘enormous’ instead of ‘big’. We also wrote a postcard imagining what the elves did once they had left the workshop. We are continuing to practice our cursive and pre-cursive writing and we learning about soft ‘c’ in our spellings – fancy, race, nice. In Maths we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We were able to apply our knowledge of shapes to a range of problems. In the afternoons, we have been doing lots of arts, crafts and some junk modelling. We have been using watercolours , masking tape and wax crayons to create different effects. We made marble runs and catapults and even had a competition to see which catapult could fire the furthest! We have also made many objects associated with Chinese New Year and wrote our name using Chinese characters. Our home learners have also been very busy this week completing their work to a very high standard. It has been a very strange half term but the class have shown enormous resilience. We are incredibly proud of every child in our class. Week Beginning 1.2.21 This week, we have been looking at performance poetry based on the Great Fire of London. We have investigated rhyming and sound within poems. We recreated the sound of the fire and the gunpowder. We also devised actions and changed our voices when performing poems. We watched poems performed by Michael Rosen to inspire us. At the end of the week we wrote incredible poems all about the Great Fire of London, taking into account all that we have learnt. We definitely have the next Michael Rosen in our class! In mathematics we begun looking at data handling. We are now very confident at interpreting tally charts. We also applied our knowledge of multiplication to pictograms. We have continued to have lots of fun with our science experiments. We devised an absorbency test to see which material absorbed the most water. We also sorted materials into natural or human-made. We used this knowledge to make a chair from junk modelling which could hold a 1kg weight. All our chairs were very sturdy and survived the test! Finally this week we have also been involved in many activities for mental health week, dress to express. As part of our activities we discussed why it was important to look after ourselves and what makes us happy. Our home learners have continued to join us on our Zoom lessons and are continuing to work incredibly hard. Week Beginning 25.1.21 This week, we have become really confident with the ÷ symbol. We already understand grouping and sharing and have done lots of practise with counters. We can now tackle more abstract maths using the ÷ symbol. Learning how to use the division symbol has meant that we can get higher scores on Times Tables Rock Stars! In Literacy we have continued to write interesting diary entries but this time about an important event within our own lives. We have also been investigating verbs in the past progressive form. In the afternoons we have been doing Science - learning all about the properties of different materials and their uses in the real world. We had a lot of fun testing different materials for a hamster cage. Instead of using our teeth like a hamster, we used a nail file to recreate the chewing action. We enjoyed testing the polystyrene as it looked like it had snowed in Beech class. Another investigation we conducted was to test which material made the best umbrella. Beech class were very careful to ensure they carried out a fair test. We have also continued learning the ukulele. We are getting really good at 'My Dog Has Fleas' and have started strumming a C chord. We have learnt about beats and rests. The home learners have continued to join us everyday for our Zoom Literacy lessons and they have contributed many ideas. They are working incredibly hard and we are so proud of the work that they have produced. Week beginning 18.1.21 This week we have carried on our learning about the Great Fire of London. We have looked at how the fire spread so quickly and why it was so difficult to put out. We have compared the equipment used by the fire brigade now and in 1666. We have learnt that the famous diarist Samuel Pepys buried his parmesan cheese and wine in the garden to protect it from the fire. We have explored colour mixing with water colour paints to create a flame effect. We have overlaid a silhouette of Tudor houses. In Maths, we have begun looking at division. We are sharing and grouping counters. In Literacy, we have continued with our diary writing. Home learners have been baking bread and painting watercolour pictures too. We are getting good at unmuting ourselves during a zoom lesson, so that everyone gets a turn to share their ideas! Week beginning 11.1.21 We have learning been all about the Great Fire of London this week and were able to interview Thomas Farrinor, who popped into Beech class to say hello. He told us all about his bread over and how the fire may have started. We learnt about how houses were built and what they were made in 1666. We designed and made our own Tudor houses, with beams and straw roofs. We have also started learning the ukuleles this week. In Maths, we have been continuing to learn all about multiplication and linking our learning to real problems. We have been writing diary entries in the style of Samuel Pepys in Literacy. The children who are home learning have been joining us everyday for Literacy lessons and to share our work at the end of the day.
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October 2024
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