Hello everyone,
We hope this end of Spring term blog finds you well! Here is a round up of our week at school! When writing these blogs we often find we don't include every curriculum subject as there would just be so much, but Miss Boyce teaches our R.E. and music lessons on a Wednesday. Therefore, she has given us a brief overview of what Year 6 have been learning in music and R.E this term. Thank you, Miss Boyce! In RE this term, Year 6 have been exploring the question ‘Are science and creation conflicting or complementary’. We have recapped the book of Genesis and compared our own ideas about creation with those set out in the bible. We learnt that many Christians find science and faith can complement each, by seeing the bible as allegorical. We have been exploring artistic impressions of the big bang and the Christian creation story. We are looking forward to interviewing Reverend Spence next term! Year 6 have some very insightful thoughts and are becoming very good at justifying and expanding upon their ideas – we have had some great discussions this term! In music, we have used the theme of waves to create music. We have been appraising the work of Mendelssohn and further developing improvisation and composition skills. We have been focusing on pitch, dynamics and texture in our compositions. The children have been learning to:
In Maths we have been recapping how to find the volume of shapes, reading and interpreting graphs, finding out about the 'mean' in averages and about the four quadrants, focusing on co ordinates, translation and reflection. Science Over the last couple of weeks in science we have been learning about speed and kinetic energy. We understand now that speed doesn't just refer to going fast but that it is the measure of the time taken to cover a distance. We carried out an investigation to measure our speed over a distance of 20 metres using the formula: speed = distance covered/time taken. We also carried out some research to find out which are the fastest (and slowest) animals in the world. the fastest being the peregrine falcon which can dive at speeds of up to 390km/h. The following lesson was about kinetic energy (the energy stored in moving objects). We realised that a lorry travelling at the same speed as a small car has far more kinetic energy and we can understand this because we can imagine the difference in the impact if the lorry collided with something compared to the impact of the car. We therefore understood that kinetic energy is affected by the speed and the mass of an object. We calculated the kinetic energy in different examples using the formula: KE=0.5 x mv². As you can tell, we are covering some challenging topics in science this term, but the children are showing a good understanding of these complex ideas. English We are always impressed with the children's use of language in our class and the way they are able to draw on a good vocabulary and apply these ideas to their own writing. This is due in no small part to their love of reading at home and to listening to the class novel(s) at school. They have been using this expressive (including figurative) language to complete the poems they started last week and to begin writing a story sequel to The Promise. We are encouraging them to show off their writing skills including using a range of punctuation and grammatical forms and giving them the time to really carefully proof-read their writing for correct spelling and grammatical sense. We are getting close now to the time when we will have to look through a collection of their work to decide upon their writing levels and it is important that they are always writing with focus, skill and stamina and to the best of their ability. Lifeskills This term, our lessons have been about media literacy and digital resilience focussing on social media and online images and relationships. In this week's lesson we began the 'Selfie Project' where each child has taken a selfie of themselves or with their friend. All of these selfies have been stuck into our life skills book where the children can then write positive comments about their friends and peers. The idea of this, is to challenge the traditional view of what beauty is and to help them see that they are all beautiful and that being yourself and being different is really what beauty is all about. This idea was inspired by this video clip which we watched in the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFkm1Hg4dTI Well done to the Year 6 Festival of Hope football team, who took part in the tournament held at Okehampton College. They played very well, were competitive but showed great sportsmanship and most of all were polite and respectful. They won 3 out of their 4 matches, with plenty of goals from many of our players! During our P.E. lessons we had a change of plan due to the weather! We played some team games involving crossing an imaginary toxic river and then bench ball. The children really enjoy playing these games and it's great ti see them working as a team! This week has been as busy as ever, with various assemblies, meetings about SATS and sporting events. Thank you to those of you who attended parents evening and also managed to come to the information evening. The relevant information can now be found on our class dojo pages. I am sure we are all looking forwards to some time at home to enjoy the lighter evenings, the warmer weather (we can hope!) and time with our families! Happy Easter everyone, we will see you in the Summer term! Thank you for your continued support as we venture into the last term of your child's primary school education! Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome to the blog of Sycamore Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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