Hello everyone - isn't it cold! 🥶🥶🥶
We have had another busy week. We have been writing about Earthquakes and other natural disasters in English and Geography. We had a livestreamed assembly about the Houses of Parliament and an assembly from Mr Weldon. He reminded us that Advent is just around the corner. I wonder if any children can remember the meaning of 'Advent'. We have continued to improve our fluency and reasoning about fractions. On Monday afternoon OCRA will be at school to hold a Cross Country challenge for all of Key Stage 2. Please send children to school in their PE Kits and with a spare pair of shoes as they may get their PE trainers wet running on the field. Next week is assessment week across the school. Year 6 will be doing past SATs papers. For homework I have asked them to use their revision study guides and question books to revise any areas they feel they need to. I hope you can support them with this. I've attached the timetable so you know which test is which day. I have also set another small challenge for homework and that is to see if they can access our Google Classroom from home. They have instructions for this and if they are able to they should send me a (polite!) message. Don't worry if they don't have a device to use or if you don't have internet access. It is just a little experiment to see how many children would be able use this in the event of a bubble or individual lockdown. We have had a really positive week and the children have been working really hard and rising to the challenge of Year 6 - Well done everyone. Have a great weekend - Stay safe and warm!! It's been a busy week and I can't believe it's the weekend already. The children really enjoyed bikeability and have all passed the level 2 qualification which makes them safer cyclists on the road. We have been celebrating anti-bullying week and we are all united against bullying. We supported this by wearing odd socks today. We have voted for our house captains: Creedy - Daisy and Matthew; Dart-Tyler and Nicola; Okement-Ryan and Elizabeth; Tommy and Chloe. They will be responsible for collecting house points from each class every week and hopefully they will be able to carry out more responsibilities later next year. The children have homework set from the English and Maths revision books and have their usual ten personal spellings to learn. Don't forget about the global reading miles - they're worth lots of Dojo points and nuggets for the class not to mention the benefit of reading more. Some children have started a new challenge of The Reading Planets which means they have to read lots of different genres. On the subject of Dojo points, I was delighted to award the first Gold Awards this week to Bill and Imogen. Well Done! 🏅Have a great weekend everyone. 😊
It's the end of another busy week - I can't believe how quickly the time flies - well we are having a lot of fun!!! We have been learning more about earthquakes and tsunamis this week and locating famous earthquakes that have happened around the world. This meant brushing up on our geographical knowledge of continents, countries and oceans. This is a good thing to keep talking about at home as it always surprises me when children don't know which continent they live in! 🥴
We are writing more formal texts now and beginning to write explanations. During this English teaching sequence, I will be expecting children to proof read their own writing and to redraft their work to improve it. In maths, we have moved on to fractions and have this week covered equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions and improper fractions and mixed number. Their homework is focussed on consolidating these skills. The children should sleep well tonight as Mr Ansell once more put them through their paces in PE. I have given all the children 4 books from which I will set revision and homework weekly from now on. The study guides(red and purple) will need to be returned at the end of the year but the white question books are for them to keep. This week I have asked them to read page 36 and 37 in the maths study guide and complete pages 29 and 30 in the maths question book. They also have ten personal spellings to learn and I also expect them to read every day as usual. The topic homework is ongoing. As you know next week is bikeability. They must bring their bike and helmet on Monday and can leave it here until Thursday if they wish. Children should wear warm clothes and suitable shoes for riding bikes but wear their school jumpers. Children who are not doing bikeability will be working in class with me as normal. Have a great weekend. 🎉🎉🎉 Happy Friday everyone! We have been busy this week and have started a new geography topic about earthquakes. We are looking at an explanation text called How stuff works and will be using it as a model for our own explanations about how earthquakes or severe weather events occur. We will begin a new maths focus on fractions next week. We have been talking and writing in French and have used Scratch to code. We have finally finished all our WW2 diaries and are looking forward to a theatre group visit about WW2 land girls when the lockdown ends. We have checked the guidance and risk assessments and we are able to go ahead with the bikeability training as planned week beginning 16th November. On Monday afternoon, we are having our nugget treat which is a class party with party games and snacks which I will bring in. If it is dry, they can also play in the orchard but they will need spare shoes or wellies as the grass is wet. They can bring a change of clothes for the afternoon. Have a great weekend everyone.
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February 2025
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