As I write this final blog of 2023, I reflect on all that we've achieved this Autumn term. It's certainly been busy! Bikeability, mini police session, Christingle, working with other classes, all of learning in our own class... and everything else!
I would just like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you all enjoy the time with your loved ones and I look forward to seeing you all in 2024. Enjoy a couple of photos from today's Christmas celebrations. Best wishes, Miss Radbourne With one week left of term, we're all starting to feel very Christmassy! We've learnt something interesting things about how Christmas is celebrated around the world through our virtual advent calendar. Did you know that in Japan, it's traditional to eat fried chicken on Christmas day? Or in Mexico, people carve radishes to make decorations!
We've been very busy this week with lots of learning. In English, the children have planned their writing structure for a monologue about a diver swimming through coral reefs and kelp forests. They have planned lots of descriptive features to use including personification, similes and expanded noun phrases. Next week, they will produce a setting description using all of these techniques. In Maths, we've wrapped up our unit of work on fractions. Having practised finding fractions of amounts and, the opposite, finding wholes from fractions, we've completed our end of unit assessment. Next week, we will squeeze in a short unit of learning about converting measurements. This one has a great real world element to it as we'll be looking at converting m to km, g to kg and so on so forth. Our PSHE discussions focused on the theme of respect. We learnt about cultural norms and how it could be easy to offend people in other countries if we did not research how to behave, act, etc. and show respect. We talked about how it's important to show respect to everyone, even if we disagree with something they say or believe. In P.E., we went outside for a game of Endzone. There was some great passing skills and teamwork demonstrated here. The highlight of my week, and I'm sure of many of yours, was the Christingle in the church yesterday afternoon. The readings were read so confidently and clearly, and to see all of the children processing around with their Christingles made me feel quite emotional! I feel so lucky to be able to share another year with this class. Please enjoy some photos from the event and of making our Christingles on Tuesday afternoon. We look ahead to next week and still have lots to forward to before our Christmas break including a first aid session, a mini Police catch up session (much to everyone's delight!), Christmas dinner and jumper day on Wednesday and then, of course, class party and festive activities on the final Friday. Enjoy your weekend everybody. |
AuthorWelcome to the blog of Sycamore Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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