![]() This week we have been working on the 'Ready' aspect of our positive learning behaviour code 'Ready, Respectful and Safe'. We used our oracy skills to discuss the importance of learning and how we know when we are ready to learn. We came up with this checklist. I am already beginning to see an improvement in the children's attitude to learning. Well done Year 6. We have learned about pure and impure substances and I'm excited to hear that children have been experimenting with chemical reactions to launch rockets for homework! We have given each child a homework folder which contains spellings, topic homework and reading record pages to use until our new reading diaries arrive. They have been reminded to read every day and record their reading. They need to bring these folders to school every day. The children enjoyed a P.E. lesson with Coach Edwards first thing on Friday, putting skills into practice. In History the children were eager to find out about the impact of the Industrial Revolution on people's health, the crime rate, disease, population and pollution. They discovered who created the Metropolitan police force (clue in the nickname 'Bobbies and Peelers') and learnt about the spread of Cholera. We kicked off our art learning, by focusing on Impressionism, what it is and who were Impressionists and had a go at replicating a section of Monet's, 'Japanese Footbridge'. Well done to Amy who is Sycamore's star of the week. Amy has worked so hard over all areas of the curriculum showing resilience, imagination and team work. She has written an excellent poem in English using the success criteria and has persevered with place value and used rounding and negative numbers. Sycamore have risen to the challenge this week and we have seen an improvement in their attitudes to learning and each other. Keep up the good work Sycamore! This week we have begun our learning in all curriculum areas. A curriculum map for this term as well as a homework web for this half term will be posted on this page. We are waiting for new reading diaries to arrive, but in the meantime, please make sure children continue to enjoy reading at home either with you, to you, or on their own for at least 10 minutes every day. At year 6 they should be starting to read for longer periods of time sometimes too to increase their stamina for reading longer texts. Each child will also bring home a list of spellings to learn each week - this week, these are spellings selected from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list which they still need to learn.
We have immersed ourselves in the beautiful language of I am Cat by Jackie Morris - we will be writing poetry inspired by this wonderful text. We have been recapping on our place value knowledge from year 5 and have moved on to learning about numbers up to 10 million. With Mrs Ware we are learning about particles in solids liquids and gases in science; speaking and listening in French about sports; learning all about computing systems and networks in computing lessons and learning a Bhangra/Street Dance fusion in our Monday PE lesson. The children are enjoying our futuristic novel called Phoenix. With Miss Ruby, the children have begun to learn about the Industrial Revolution and how it changed the day to day lives of the Victorian's. We will begin our art lessons , which will be a focus on skills and famous artists such as Claude Monet. Congratulations to Heidi who was this weeks' Star of the Week.'. Heidi has displayed positivity, maturity and resilience this week particularly in Maths and English. All the class have been asked to rise to the challenge of being the oldest and most mature children in the school, to lead by example and remember our school values, respectful, ready and safe. Children should have brought home their weekly spellings to learn for next Friday and their new homework topic web for this half term. Expectations have been explained to the children so if you have any questions please ask. Have a brilliant weekend. Thank you. Mrs Ware and Miss Ruby. Welcome parents and children to Year Six. This year Mrs Ware will be teaching on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Miss Ruby will be teaching on Thursday and Friday. We will normally have Mrs Jelley supporting us on a Wednesday and Thursday. We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.
First Week Back The children returned on Wednesday, immediately looking and acting like Year 6 children, now the oldest and most responsible children in the school. It was so great to see all the children gathered together once more in the school hall with Year 6 sitting on the benches enjoying the privilege and taking the responsibility very seriously. We have spent the first few days settling back into normal school life and agreeing our class charter based around three basic ideas: We are READY to learn; We are RESPECTFUL of each other and school property and We are SAFE in and out of school and online. Thursday and Friday arrived and again the children came in ready to learn, responsible and mature. We have played games such as Zip, Zap, Boing, started our class novels, took part in a Place Value maths lesson, wrote a description/story of a dragon including similes and metaphors in English, had our first P.E. lesson delivered by Saints and we have started our Year 6 Art Gallery. Photos will follow! We have participated in an assembly everyday and today was our Celebration assembly where we congratulated Rory who received the trophy for being mature, responsible, keen, polite and helpful. All excellent attributes we expect in our Year 6 pupils. Congratulations to Sycamore on an excellent first week back. We look forwards to kicking off more learning next week. We will update you regularly. Please contact us if you need more information at this point. Thank you, Mrs Ware and Miss Ruby. |
AuthorWelcome to the blog of Sycamore Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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