Click on the button below to see the slideshow made by the children for today's assembly.19/10/2020
Hello everyone. It's the end of another busy week. We have been: writing war diaries; learning written methods for multiplication and division; learning about light and reflections to make periscopes; preparing and practising an assembly; playing tennis; playing the violin and having lots of fun at playtimes! We certainly cram a lot in to one week!! The children would like to present a short assembly to you on Monday morning to share some of this term's learning so far. Have a great weekend.
P.S. Today the children have brought home a prospectus from Okehampton College as well as a letter with information about Bikeability which is coming up in November. Please return the completed form as soon as possible. Happy Friday everyone. 🤗 Another busy week over, ending with a little bit of mindfulness today in amongst all the other important work. This week we made leaves of hope and painted our tree of hope - take a look at the pictures- I think it came out quite well. 🌳 We have started our science topic of light. Thank you for sending torches in, we will need them again on Monday. We have tried to prove that light travels in straight lines and we watched Matthew's brilliant homework project (a video) showing how shadows are formed and change using shadow puppets he made. We are enjoying our PE lessons with Mr Ansell. We will be drafting and writing our wartime diaries over the next couple of weeks as well as continuing to practise using the four operations in maths. Hope you enjoy the dry weather over the weekend 😊
Autumn has definitely arrived. The wet and windy weather has meant we have had to stop using the field and start sharing the ha d play spaces. Coats and warm clothes are a must! We have completed our WW2 topic with a quiz this week although we will continue to be using our knowledge through our writing lessons. Read Imogen's thoughtful letter inspired by the experiences of German Jewish refugees. We will begin our science topic of 'light' next week. It's good to see the children are still racing around the world in their reading challenge - Bill, our resident bookworm, has now reached Kenya and gets another 5 learning points! We are now onto using the four operations in maths and practising the formal written methods for each. Hope you have a great weekend. Congratulations to Ryan - Star of the week. Have a read of Imogen's super letter in role as a Jewish refugee during WW2.
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February 2025
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