Hello Year Six Parents/Carers,
We hope this weekly blog finds everyone well and enjoying the wonderful spell of glorious sunny weather! The children have been on top form this week and are working hard in all areas of their learning, especially with the thought of the Year 6 activity week arriving next week! They all seem so excited, which is fantastic to see and there is very much a positive vibe in the classroom. English The children have enjoyed a short storying writing opportunity this week. I have been impressed with their vocabulary and imagination and I can see the progress they have made in their use of grammar and punctuation to structure their writing. They are now continuing with their research for an information text about the human body, which they have thoroughly enjoyed and got to grips with. Each child was able to chose a certain 'system' (circulatory/digestive etc) to research and create their page about. Maths The children have come to the end of their learning focusing on ratio. It has been a really interesting two weeks as at the beginning of the unit, lots of children said they felt a bit daunted, needed support with the language used and needed some time to get to grips with what they were doing. However, that has definitely changed as they all seem confident to tackle problems based around this. After activity week the children will commence a short unit of learning around shape and space. Computing On Monday, the children finished making their games using variables in Scratch. We have some very proficient users of this coding programme in our class who were happy to act as 'experts' and help other less proficient members of the class (like Mrs Ware!). Afterwards, the children had the opportunity to play each other's games and to give their peers some feedback on them. Life Skills We have begun our lessons on Relationships and Sex Education. After the introductory lesson the children have been able to overcome their feelings of embarrassment and have been mature and sensible when discussing puberty and how it affects those going through it. Science We are studying diet and lifestyle in our final science unit. Our first lesson focussed on the seven nutrients we need to have a balance in our diet to maintain healthy bodies. I hope to be able to allow the children to plan and prepare a healthy meal before the end of term if time allows. P.E. A wonderfully hot and sunny P.E. session with our Saints coach Mr Berry took place this week. The children took part in a variety of athletics style activities and had to record their scores/distances/times in order to work on improving them. Activities ranged from hurdles to discuss! We will miss our Saints session next week due to our activity week, and the following week due to transition to Okehampton college, but rest assured we will be putting in lots of P.E practice when we can, before our Sports day: which for KS2 will take place on the morning of Thursday 8th July! Write this in your diary now! History We have finally completed our learning about Twentieth Century Conflict and I have to say I feel the children have learned so much! They completed their end of unit task by designing an information page about the question:" Was World War 2 Inevitable?" and the majority of the children have really enjoyed this. They have said this has been their favourite history and geography learning throughout the year! We hope to move onto looking at 'Globalisation' in Geography after activity week! French This week in French we have recapped undertaking a conversation in a pet shop using the vocabulary we have been practising this term. We hope you all have a fantastic weekend and the children come to school on Monday eager and prepared for their week ahead. Regular updates have been added to the Class Dojo, such as the itinerary for the week, with those all important timings. Please do not hesitate to contact us via the office or Class Dojo if you have an urgent question, however I feel you should be well prepared! Lets hope for some lovely sunshine to add to those final memories of primary school. Thank you all for your support. I am sure there will be lots of wonderful photos in nest week's edition! Miss Ruby and Mrs Ware Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome to the blog of Sycamore Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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