We have crammed a lot into this shorter than normal week. We have been making many links across the curriculum in science, English, maths and computing. In English, we are writing information texts about the heart and circulatory system, drawing on what we have learnt in science lessons. In maths, we have been interpreting and constructing line graphs and, next week, we will use line graphs in our science lesson to record the results of an investigation about heart rate and recovery rate which we will do as part of our PE lesson on Monday. In science, we learnt how nutrients and water are transported around the body in the bloodstream. This involved a messy demonstration of how food is digested and broken down and then how the nutrients are absorbed into the blood. We finished the week with a mile and a half cross country race. Bill was our first boy home and Flo was our first girl. Well done to everybody who completed the 6 laps of the field - nobody gave up. Our final activity today, also linked to healthy life-styles, was a discussion about the pros and cons of social media and how it can impact our wellbeing. In this oracy session the children took on a role in groups of 3 and then volunteers summarised the discussion at the end. The class's oracy skills are really improving. I have started to receive some topic homework - I am expecting 3 completed pieces from the homework web by the end of this half term. I have not set any revision homework this week but please can you help children to find the four books that the school bought for them ready for next Friday. They do all have 10 spellings to learn this week and they should be reading regularly. I am concerned that children who don't complete homework will find the transition to secondary school and the homework expectations there a bit of a shock if they don't get into good habits now. It was great meeting with some of you on Wednesday and chatting about your children's progress. Please contact me if you would like an appointment to meet online or if you prefer I can ring you. Have a very good weekend - shame it's going to be so wet! Enjoy the pictures of our messy science, homework and cross country.
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February 2025
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