Today we have taken part in a number of challenges to celebrate the memory of Captain Tom Moore who raised so much money for charity. As a school, we were hoping to raise £100 for the Captain Tom Foundation which helps to combat loneliness, champions education and equality, and continues to support the NHS. I'm pleased to say that we have already surpassed that target, but please keep giving to this worthwhile cause.
The children have completed various challenges today including a spelling bee, maths challenge, French numbers challenge a version of the just a minute game called just 100 seconds (we discovered how hard it is to speak without saying em or errr!!) and a story writing challenge where they had to finish a story in 100 words exactly. Matthew's writing, which is attached, shows what you can do with 100 words when you make every word count. Well done Matthew. Bill was our 'oracy' star speaking so articulately about the question: "Are clever people born clever?" I was really pleased that most children felt you aren't born clever and that you have to learn and work hard to become 'clever' although Bill did make links to our science topic last term and suggested that some traits to do with intelligence are inherited. Imogen and Tobey got us through the 100 word spelling bee with a little help from the rest of the class! Earlier in the week we finished our maths unit on ratio, proportion and scaling and are continuing to learn how to write a good information page. This is linked to our Science topic, which is all about the circulatory system. We turned the classroom into a giant 'body' and the children raced around the classroom delivering oxygenated blood from the heart to the organs and bringing deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Today the children enjoyed a mini-olympics in cricket with our Saints coach, Mr Stronge. I have set the children revision homework from the revision guides and question books which were given to all children in the Autumn Term. Some weren't sure where theirs were so I have asked them to have a thorough look for them. In the meantime, I have given them photocopies of the relevant pages. Although there are no official SATs this year, we will still be assessing all children formally before the end of the year as this will be used to inform our end of year levels to send on to their secondary school. This learning is still very important because it reflects what the children need to know in order to be ready for their secondary education. I have reminded children that we will have a spelling test every Friday and that they must bring their homework folders and reading folders in every week on a Friday. We have agreed to reset our expectations for reading and homework - reading every day logged in reading diary, spellings practised regularly, revision completed and topic homework completed to a high standard. I look forward to meeting with you over the next couple of weeks albeit virtually. Have a great long weekend. Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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