Enjoy this week's blog and news from the past couple of weeks.
The children have been working extremely hard on their writing. They have planned their own fairy tales based on the common characteristics of the Grimm tales which we've been reading. They then started work on their first drafts of their stories, trying to include the year 6 writing skills. Redrafting is an important part of the writing process and this is something which we've worked on a lot this term. The children have spent time redrafting a lot of their writing in order to improve it and make it the best it can be. Something we have also had a big focus on this term is handwriting and I've seen some super effort with this! Have a look at some of the writing in the photos below. In Maths, we've learnt about ratio and algebra. Algebra is a new concept to all of the children but it has been grasped excellently. Some children have been challenged with questions which require deeper thinking and it's been great to see the mathematical thinking and discussions here. Next week, we move onto recapping decimals before we focus on the links between decimals, fractions and percentages - an important topic with lots of links to real life. The children have been really enjoying our learning in History. We've been learning about the Civil Rights movement in America in the 1950s and 1960s. Last week, we learnt about Oliver Brown and why he took the Board of Education to the Supreme Court. We then learnt about Rosa Parks and how she refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white man. We then wrote diaries in role as Rosa Parks, using an informal tone to emphasise how she might have been feeling. In Science, we learnt about heat transfer between particles. We conducted an investigation about heat conduction and observed how one end of a spoon heated up before the other end. Next week, I am holding a SATs information evening for parents (children are welcome too) on Monday evening at 5pm. I really hope to see as many of you there as possible. Enjoy the weekend! Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome to the blog of Sycamore Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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