Another week passes by!...
This week, we've been really knuckling down and working hard with our pre-SATs revision, particularly in Maths. We've recapped statistics including different types of graphs, plus revised place value including comparing numbers, rounding and negative numbers. We'll continue with this type of revision for the next couple of weeks, making sure to focus on those key areas which children need to understand, notably: calculations, fractions, decimals and percentages. In English, we've delved further into our book 'The Boy in the Tower'. We've discovered that it's a mysterious and somewhat sinister plant-like being which is causing the buildings to collapse (in the book!) Based on this, we have written a class non-chronological report in the style of a fact file to educate people about these dangerous plants. Next week, the children will be creating their own imaginary plants and producing their own factfile about these. I hope that they will have chance to publish them with illustrations as well as wonderful writing. We finished our letters home from the trenches in History this week. These were brilliant to read and show a clear understanding of life in the trenches and what it was like for soldiers in WWI. We will move on to learn about the end of WWI next week, and then the lead up to WWII after this. In Science, we continued our 'cells' topic by learning about organ systems. I was very impressed with the recall of organs and their functions (as I remember teaching the class this when we were together in Year 4)! We went on to develop this learning by understanding that organs often don't work alone and work as part of a bigger system e.g. the digestive system or the circulatory system. We've been outside again this week and enjoyed some rounders in P.E. A particular highlight was 'throwing rounders' where we had no bats! It definitely made them think about aiming for the space without any fielders. Have a read of some our letters from the trenches below, and have a lovely weekend. Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome to the blog of Sycamore Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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