Hi everyone,
Welcome back! I can't quite believe the summer term is starting. The last term of primary school for Sycamore Class! We've got a lot of things to get through this half term. There are 3 weeks until SATs so they are approaching quickly. We have started plenty of revision in class, focusing on our reading comprehension skills, our knowledge of spelling and grammar, and revising all of the key areas in Maths. We complete a revision sheet for early work every day, followed by further activities within lessons. Homework is an important part of revision so please keep up with this at home. In Maths this week, we have been finishing off our learning about shape. We recapped the names and properties of 3D shapes and looked at their 3D nets. In English, we've started a new text called 'A Boy in the Tower'. It's proving very thought-provoking and mysterious, leaving us all wondering what might happen next. A highlight of the week was History where we began learning about WW1. We discussed the many factors that led to the war and we have learnt what life in the trenches was like. Science involved learning the acronym 'MRS GREN' and the 7 life processes. Lots more to come next week! Have a great weekend. Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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