This week, year 6 earned their first nugget treat by earning 25 nuggets. They are awarded class nuggets for whole class cooperation, good learning attitudes and great behaviour as a group in playtimes. Their treat was a little party to say farewell to Jorja and also coincided with Kit's birthday!
We started the week with a French lesson with Madame Jordan and learnt about French speaking countries around the world and practised using the question and answer "Comment tu t'appelles?" "Je m'apelle ..." Ask your child what this means and have a practise at home. We began a new unit of work in maths this week and are using the four operations (+ - x ÷ ) to calculate and solve problems. We are inventing our own poetry based on I am Cat and have been investigating dissolving in science. English- In English we completed our unit ‘I am Cat’, where each of the children created their own poems in the style of this one. The children decided to write about dogs, ducks, turtles and themselves and had to include poetic devices such as simile/metaphor, powerful vocabulary, expanded noun phrases, the power of three and also write in the first person. We wrote the poems up in our best handwriting to create a display. History- In history, our focus was ‘How did working conditions change during the Industrial Revolution?’ The children were appalled (and fascinated) to discover what jobs they might be doing if they were born during the Industrial Revolution. We learnt about trappers, drawers and pulleys in the mines and compared the jobs to that in the factories and mills. We then discussed where we would rather work and why! P.E with Coach Edwards took place on a very damp, cold Friday morning. The children are really getting very good at using tactics and playing as part of a team. They have thoroughly enjoyed these lessons so far. Art- the children created their own ‘zentangle patterns’ and enjoyed a quiet afternoon exploring ‘mindfulness’. They have created some interesting and unique patterns and worked incredibly well throughout. As the next few weeks unfold, I will endeavour to post some photographs of the children’s art work, as it’s been great. Star of the week this week goes to Kit! Very well deserved. Kit has shown deep thinking, curiosity and maturity in all aspects of her learning this week. She has worked incredibly hard, always trying to improve and ‘up level’ her work. Kit you have been the perfect role model for your peers and the rest of the school! Keep it up. Please remember to encourage your children to read every day and also to practice spellings too. They come home on a Friday ready for testing the following Friday. We also have 3 weeks left to hand in 3 different bits of homework! Thank you for those bits we have had so far. Thank you, have a lovely weekend and please stay well! Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome to the blog of Sycamore Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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