Dear North Tawton Families, As always, it’s been a busy week at North Tawton. It is a pleasure to walk around our school from class to class seeing our pupils hard at work and hearing the happy buzz of learning. Out and About Our local area has so much to offer. You may have seen a group of Year Six orienteering around the surrounding paths with ordinance survey maps and Willow Class exploring the town as part of their geography learning. Our Cross Country team enjoyed a thankfully dry day for their 1.5 mile run around the grounds of Castle Drogo. Well done to the team for their positive attitude and tenacity. Lest we forget The children at North Tawton have been an absolute credit to our community with their thoughtful discussions about Remembrance. They have written powerful poetry, imaginative diary entries as soldiers and produced stunning artwork. The displays in our school corridors looks so much better than the pictures give credit for. I was impressed with the respect our children showed on Thursday when we stood together outside and observed the silence at 11am. We have a very heavy collection box for the British Legion, thank you for your generosity. Many of our community will be at St Peters Church on Sunday, do go along, even if you are not a traditional church goer. You will be more than welcome. Class Blogs Do look at the class blogs to see more about each class and their learning this week.
Children in Need Our School Council met with Mr Foreman to discuss what to do for Children In Need next Friday. They voted to dress up and sing the Children in Need song. They also decided that they would like each year group to do a little run for fun in their outfits, with different distances for different year groups. Instead of sponsoring the children, they suggest a donation of £2 to Children in Need, £1 for the dressing up and £1 for the run, you can certainly donate more to this very worthy cause if you are able to, or just donate what you can. FONTS I am very excited about the work FONTS are planning over the coming weeks and months. The Christmas Cards have been sent off to the printers. FONTS have organised a raffle, online Christmas market and a wreath competition. We will be having a non uniform day on Friday 3rd December to raise money for Christmas events. Do look at FONTS posts on Dojo and on the website. Local Stakeholders Board The Three Hares Governors met on Thursday evening and had a lively discussions about the Three Hares Schools and the significant progress and achievements we are making in our schools and as a Trust hub. Governor Recruitment Parents – Your school needs YOU! There is a vacancy for one Parent governor to join the Three Hares Primaries Local Stakeholder Board. Local governors are a vital part of the Trust’s connection with schools and community and parents are an important voice within the governance structure. To qualify as a Parent governor, you must have at least one child on the school roll and must be eligible under the national governing body rules. Applications are now open, until close of business on Friday 27th November. All nominations will then be put forward to a parent vote, which will take place electronically. The nomination form must be completed in full, and can be found on the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust website: For an informal chat about the role of parent governor and the responsibilities of the local stakeholder board, please contact the Chair Emma Neath: [email protected] or the Clerk to Governors: [email protected] Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to receiving your applications Building Works The Early Years building project is really coming on with the builders beginning to lay the wood. I remain hopeful that this will be completed along with the Year 1 and 2 toilet refurbishment by the end of the Christmas holiday. With best wishes for the weekend
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