New PrincipalFollowing on from Monday's announcement, Miss Tara Penny will be taking up her new role after Easter, joining North Tawton School as the new Principal. She took the opportunity to visit our school on Thursday and quickly familiarised herself with the school, the children and the staff. Miss Penny is currently Head of School at Chagford and will continue to work closely with the Three Hares Hub. The transition will take as long as is needed to ensure all the information is handed over and introductions are made. Miss Penny throughly enjoyed her visit and is due to return later this week to spend more time in our school. The Trust's leadership transformation, although quick, does allow for all leaders to spend time in their new schools. After 16 years at North Tawton I will be sad to say goodbye, but equally I am very excited about my new role at Black Torrington and Bradford. Thanks for all your kind messages and support. More from me next week! AbsencesWe are working very hard to improve the attendance rates. ALL absences must be reported to the school office and not messaged to the Dojo. If your child is absent for the following and subsequent days you need to inform the office daily. Once the registers close at 9:05 the admin team follow up all absences that have not been notified. Please make sure you complete the absence request form if you are attending an appointment during school time. You can find the form on the Parent Information Hub. Reading ChallengeThe I ❤️Reading Challenge photos are coming in at a steady rate. Please find your reading space, take a photo and upload it to the messages on Dojo. Mrs Ware is preparing the space in the school hall to display all of the photos. Even Alf the Elf is joining in! Arrival and DepartureThe arrival and departure of the children at the gates is continuing to work very successfully. Thank you all for cooperating and making this process as easy as it can be. 8:45 gates open 9:05 registers close 9:15 after this time non-attendance will be recorded as authorised or unauthorised absence Get Set TokyoEaster AssemblyReverend Nick Weldon and Wez Cutler are due to lead three special Easter Assemblies on Wednesday for the children. It will be lovely to see them again back in the school. Wishing you and your families a lovely weekend Thank you Miss Chauhan FONTS UpdateWe are hoping to see a return to some of the usual fundraising activities in the Summer Term. Watch this space! Ideas, thoughts and suggestions are very welcome.
Keep safe and thank you for your continued support, FONTS Committee email[email protected]/ or message FONTS on Dojo 23rd March 2021 Dear Parents and Carers, I am excited to share some updates with you about changes to our schools’ leadership. As a family of schools, we have enormous wealth in our leadership and now is the time to build on that strength to ensure we provide the best environment for our pupils, staff and schools to grow. We are at an exciting time in the development of our Trust of schools. Whilst we are rightly proud of all that has been achieved historically, we are ambitious to continue to improve the quality of education that our children receive and deepen and broaden our connection and service to our communities. It is important to emphasise that with the changes we are announcing, all schools will benefit. We are building a broader model of leadership for our Trust, creating capacity where it is needed, sharing our skills and expertise, and strengthening our structures to help everyone achieve their best to support our Trust aims. For North Tawton Community Primary school, we are delighted to announce that from the start of the summer term (19th April 2021) Tara Penny will take up the post of Principal. Sunita Chauhan will be moving to Bradford and Black Torrington as Principal. In addition, to underscore the importance of our schools’ leadership in our communities, all our Heads of Schools and Headteachers will be called Principals moving forward. Our Executive Principals in both our primary and secondary phases will now be enabled to support all schools across our Trust within our Primary and Secondary Leadership Boards, providing strategic direction and support to ensure we can achieve our aims. Our school leaders have been working together to ensure a smooth transition as they ‘pass the baton’ safely onwards. During the coming weeks, you will see many of our school leaders around and about at school. Please do talk to them and say hello! We know many of you will have questions and we would like to invite you to a virtual Parents’ Meeting on Wednesday 24th March 6pm. If you would like to attend, please join the Google Meet link. This will be posted on the School Dojo. We will also be sharing more information on our Dojo pages, so please do visit to find out more. With firm foundations of trust, respect, and cooperation, these changes will enable us to stride forward, to ensure that all can thrive and succeed. Thank you for your ongoing support. Dan Morrow Trust Leader and CEO Comic ReliefWhat a busy Friday we had. The children looked so lovely and joined in to raise money for this cause by wearing something red. Looking so splendid! Thank you for all the extra donations that arrived today and for buying the noses. We completely sold out of all our noses and will count all the donations and announce the total raised. Thank you 🍎 Reading ChallengeDo you love reading? WE LOVE READING and we want to pass on the joy of reading to all our children at North Tawton Primary School. To spread this reading bug more widely we need your help. There are some avid readers out there so help us by sending in a photograph of you and your family sharing the love of reading. How do you enjoy a book? Snuggled up in front of the fire? In bed before lights out? Or under the covers with a torch after lights out? In the garden in the sun? Reading together? Reading alone? Get snappy and capture some photos of you and your children and send them to Mrs Ware or your child's class teacher so we can make a wonderful display and spread the joy. Thank you Mrs Ware, English Lead SAINTS and OCRAMr Foreman is making sure that we are all keeping active and has even kitted out the teachers with their own PE kits! Mr Stronge from SAINTS leads the PE sessions every Thursday and Friday. There was great hilarity when completing the challenges set this week as 'team work' was the theme. Some classes (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4) took part in cross-country running led by Okehampton Community and Recreation Association (OCRA). The weather was perfect and all the children completed the challenge. Tokyo here we come! Get ready Y5 and Y6 – your cross-country turn will be soon. Congratulations and Thank youWe have given each family a final family challenge to mark the end of lockdown learning. Some eager beavers had made them by Friday evening. This little momento was sent to each family to say well done and congratulations to every child for the hard work and perseverance shown throughout the lockdown period. We have been very impressed with how the children have settled back into the school routines, especially the children in Oak and Chestnut classes, who have had the additional staff changes. Thank you, and enjoy building! It looks very fiddly. Welcome to Miss Prince in Oak Class and Mrs Doyle/Mrs Denney in Chestnut Class. Well done to all the children for settling back to work so quickly. Reading remains very high on the agenda and lockdown has seen an increase in children engaging with books, which is very encouaging news. With the new reading challenge, Mrs Ware is hoping that everyone gets involved to maintain this trend and our love of reading now we are back at school. So get thinking and clicking away to capture your children enjoying reading! Here's hoping you have a lovely weekend with your family staying safe. Thank you Miss Chauhan FONTS UpdateWe are hoping to see a return to some of the usual fundraising activities in the Summer Term. Watch this space! Ideas, thoughts and suggestions are very welcome.
Keep safe and thank you for your continued support, FONTS Committee email[email protected]/ or message FONTS on Dojo WELCOME BACK!We are so pleased to see the children back where they belong. The school opened its doors to all pupils on Monday and it all went very smoothly. I was very pleased to see parents standing socially distanced and wearing face protection. To reduce the congestion further do come alone if you are picking up and don't linger unnecessarily by the gate as it obstructs our view when trying to reunite children with their adults. We are operating safely in our respective class bubbles. The staff and children were very pleased to see each other and to have face to face conversations in the real school surroundings. To help the smooth running of the day and to ensure the gates are safely secured please help us by being on time. 8:45 Gates open 9:05 Registers close 3:20 End of the day (slightly earlier for Acorn). Welcome to New StartersNot only did we welcome back our pupils on Monday but we also welcomed our new starters in the Nursery. Under normal circumstance our new starters are shown around the whole school and have the chance to meet the staff, but these experiences have obviously been limited this year. They all bravely came in on their first day after saying goodbye to parents at the gates and they had a fantastic time in Acorns. We hope to offer a belated welcome meeting just as soon as we can, but well done on preparing your children so well to cope with starting in nursery. World Book Day WinnersWell done to these worthy winners of the toilet roll competition. Thank you to all those who entered this World Book Day fun activity. Your creative skills were second to none this year! Very impressive and very inventive. Get Set TokyoThank youThank you for preparing and equipping your children so well ready for the return to school. We have learnt much from this challenging period and want to harness and build on these experiences and discoveries. The children have learnt how to face challenges, overcome adversity and have built their resilience. They have approached the return to school with such great positivity. It is such a pleasure to see them (and you!). Have a wonderful weekend. MIss Chauhan FONTS UpdateWe are hoping to see a return to some of the usual fundraising activities in the Summer Term. Watch this space! Ideas, thoughts and suggestions are very welcome.
Keep safe and thank you for your continued support, FONTS Committee email[email protected]/ or message FONTS on Dojo World Book Day CelebrationsLockdown did not stop us! What an absolute treat we had on Thursday. Mrs Ware pointed us all in the right direction and off we went. Children at home were making dens and reading areas – indoors and out. Children dressed up and were able to create art, cook food and read to siblings and pets... all inspired by books and book characters. We listened to stories live and read to each other via a virtual link. It was the best World Book Day judging by the amount of photos that were sent in and uploaded to the work sites. Well done. You all made a tremendous effort to get involved in one way or another and made it such a fun filled day. Staff Love BooksChildren Love BooksArt Inspired by BooksIt was such a pleasure to see so many creative ways to show your love of reading. You read stories, you shared stories and you wrote stories. Absolutely brilliant! Return to School on MondayWe are all very excited to see the children return on Monday. I am sure that any initial fears and nerves will soon disappear once the children meet with their friends and settle back into familiar routines with staff in their own classrooms. We will be working in class bubbles for the whole day with staggered lunch and breaktimes. Children are not allowed to share equipment, so don't forget to provide pencil cases. The rooms will be well ventilated so extra layers under the school uniform would be a good idea until the warmer weather arrives. Please make your lunch bookings using the Gateway app. PE kits can be worn to school on the PE days (Thursday and Friday for SAINTS) and as requested by the teachers. We will be making the most of outdoor learning using our beautiful grounds. Please have wellies to hand! Arrival and DepartureNursery please see your own class Dojo page for specific times. Gates open at 8:45 and children must be in class and registered by 9:05. The gates will then be closed to protect those who are on site. If your child is nervous it is best to make the walk up the path with friends, so being on time will really help. Your prompt arrival and departure is appreciated as the access point needs to be clear to allow for the bus and taxi to safely park. The children will be escorted out to the gates at 3:20. To avoid congestion and a prolonged wait at the gates please arrive on time, avoid lingering, come alone to collect, wear a mask and remember to socially distance. Please step forward to identify yourself. It is so difficult for us to recognise you with masks! There will inevitably be a small wait at the end of the day but with your assistance this should be kept to a minimum, and we will be outside in the fresh air which minimises the risk to you. Please park courteously and safely. Our neighbours in Strawberry Fields also have the right to access their drives without obstruction. Do not park on the double yellow lines and wherever possible park further away and walk to school. No visitors are permitted on the school site without booking. Please make an appointment through the admin office if you wish to do so. Oak Class ArrangementsMrs Nuthall is blooming marvellously well at 32 weeks through her pregnancy. This is a critical time and as per Government guidance Mrs Nuthall will continue her role working safely from home. I am pleased to announce that we successfully appointed Miss Kaydee Prince, who will start her role slightly earlier than planned. She will be meeting and greeting the children on Monday morning ready to start her teaching role in Oak Class. Mrs Day will continue to provide support after having single handedly managing the Critical Workers Club very successfully throughout the lockdown. The children will still remain in contact virtually with Mrs Nuthall until the handover process is completed. Mrs Nuthall will begin her maternity leave after Easter. Returning Loaned DevicesPlease do return your loaned device in a labelled bag, which will be collected from the classroom. These devices will be added to the school stock once the necessary resets have been done. CONGRATULATIONSI am so pleased to announce the safe arrival of Miss Cooper's baby. We wish her and her partner, Joe, all the very best as they get to enjoy this little bundle of joy. Welcome Back Miss RubyMiss Ruby will return to her regular day on Friday in Willow Class. Miss Keen and Miss Ruby will teach in Willow Class supported by Mrs Squires and Mrs Jelley. A welcome return following her maternity leave. We are very pleased to have her back. Tokyo ChallengeWe are all looking forward to greeting you at the gates, albeit briefly. Have a lovely Sunday with your family enjoying the spring-like sunny weather. Thank you again for all your online teaching efforts! All good wishes Miss Chauhan FONTS updateWe are hoping to see a return to some of the usual fundraising activities in the Summer Term. Watch this space!
Ideas/thoughts/suggestions are very welcome. Keep safe and thank you for your continued support, FONTS Committee email[email protected]/ or message FONTS on Dojo |
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