Dear North Tawton Friends and Families,
A short week, but a busy one! As always, please look at the class blogs to see what the pupils have been learning about this week. A few reminders- Jewellery and Hair styles In the interests of safety, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school. If ears have been pierced, studs may be worn. These should be removed/taped over before swimming. We encourage children to be independent individuals, however we request parents to consider the impact of fashion on their child’s learning and social development and ask parents to ensure their children do not wear inappropriate hairstyles or fashion items to school. Long hair should be tied back for both safety and hygiene reasons. Healthy Snacks There is nothing wrong with occasional treats at home, however, at school we are promoting healthy lifestyles to our children. Please support us by making sure that if your children bring packed lunches or snacks for break time, they are healthy choices. A number of children are coming to school with very high sugar content foods such as chocolate bars, muffins and cakes which are not appropriate. Please help us with this so we have consistency across the school. Thank you! Homework We know that some parents and children love homework, for some families it is a struggle and cause for arguments at home. On Monday I will be talking to children about our expectations, and why it is important to get into good study habits. Teachers will provide spelling and maths homework weekly. We expect every child to read daily, and for this to be recorded in their reading diary. Teachers will suggest activities to compliment topic, but this will be optional. We recommend:
Upcoming Dates FONTS and school staff have been busy organising exciting events for the coming term. Please keep an eye on Dojo and Facebook for updates. I am meeting with the staff and with Rev Spence and Mr Cutler next week to agree dates for Christmas events at school and at the church. Some dates for your diaries- Friday 23rd September – 3.45 Y6 Class Meeting and French trip meeting Tuesday 27th September – Y6 Junior Life Skills Okehampton Tuesday 4th October – flu nasal spray Friday 7 October - Usborne Book Fair Friday 14 October Dingle Dangle Scarecrow: dress up day Friday 21st October – 2.30pm R – Y6 sharing assembly –parents welcome Friday 4 November after school Fireworks Sparkler & Sweet Sale Friday 2 December Christmas Market –– after school in the hall and playground Thursday 8 December –Christmas Jumper Day (raising funds for Save the children) and Christmas dinner More dates to be published next week! With very best wishes Tara Penny Principal Comments are closed.
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