Dear North Tawton Friends and Families, The sun is shining, and our children are enjoying being out on the field at play times. Please can I remind parents to send children in with hats, sun cream and a bottle for water every day. Classes have had a fun packed return to school with new topics to get excited about, a fabulous KS2 performance to rehearse and lots of opportunities to them all to shine! As always, please look to the class blogs for class updates and news. Welcome In my assembly last week, we looked at what ‘welcome’ means. Where do we see this word, and how do we show that others are welcome? I have challenged the children to learn how to say ‘welcome’ in other languages. Well done to Ivy for researching eight different languages. Wildlife Champions Yesterday, our Wildlife Champions enjoyed a day at Meeth Quarry with Wildlife Champions from other local schools. They took part in identifying plants at the quarry, pond dipping and insect hunting and identification. They also learnt about features of creatures from the ocean. Classes for next year
As you are aware, there have been some changes in staffing across the Trust. We will be letting you know our staffing for September as soon as possible. We have planned a Move Up day on 29th June where pupils will meet their new teachers and spend time in their new classes. Stakeholder Consultation Process Summary Over the course of the consultation period and process, staff, parents and carers have posed a number of questions to understand the process and decision-making more fully. Please follow this link to find a summary of the process and also responses to a range of questions posed by stakeholders for openness and transparency. Thank you all for your support, as well as challenge, and for ensuring that we continue to improve and serve your children. Dan Morrow Trust Leader and CEO Safer Internet Support We are being brought increasingly more concerns about use of the internet and social media outside school. We urge parents to be aware of the platforms your children are using and the sites they are accessing. The internet is a wonderful space for information and entertainment, but I am sure you are aware that it is also a space where children can access inappropriate material and be at risk of harm. We also have children using social media to make unkind comments towards others and invite and uninvite other pupils from groups. This website offers some good advice which I hope parents find helpful. Homepage - UK Safer Internet Centre Rainbow Day Friday 23rd June is our Trust Rainbow Day. We are encouraging our children to wear their favourite colours to celebrate. This is an opportunity for us to reflect upon our similarities and differences so that all of our children learn to understand that there are people in the community and wider world with characteristics similar and different to their own. It is a day steeped in respect and inclusion. We call it Rainbow Day as the rainbow is a Christian symbol of God’s love for us all. The rainbow flag is steeped in history from a symbol of maritime peace, the cooperative movement, LGBT equality and more recently, support for the NHS. The colours of the rainbow are different but come together to make something beautiful. We will be asking children to think about equality and when people may be treated unfavourably. We anticipate they will think about people with different physical abilities, cultures, religions and families. We are careful to talk in an age appropriate way and give children space to explore questions and develop their own thinking. Carnival Due to a few complications, we are not going to have a carnival as was originally planned. However, we will have some festive activities and aim for something more public facing next year. FONTS Quiz Thank you to FONTS for organising Bring Your Fizz for the Quiz. It was a really fun evening with a twist on the usual pub quiz format, with cider and crisps to identify, antiques to age (no, not me!) and an extremely challenging capital city, spelling and maths round! A huge thank you to Lucy and Dan for being such brilliant quiz hosts. A great time was had, despite the power cut! Volunteers Afternoon Please come along to school on Thursday 29th June between 12pm and 3pm to help out with some outdoor jobs. We have bark paths to lay, weeding to do, a pond to tend and benches to paint. We also need someone with a very steady hand to repaint our memorial mural. Materials and tools will be provided, no experience needed, just your enthusiasm! Wishing all of our families a very happy weekend. Tara Penny Principal Key Dates Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June – Half term Holiday Friday 9th June - 7pm FONTS Quiz 15th June – Wildlife Ambassadors to Meath Quarry Friday 23rd June - Rainbow Day – wear rainbow colours for the day! Friday 30th June – Sports day Saturday 1st July – Summer Fair Wednesday July 5th – Early evening performance of Cindrella Rockafella by Y3,4,5 &6 Thursday July 6th – Afternoon performance of Cindrella Rockafella by Y3,4,5 &6 11th July – 15th July - Y6 Residential to France Monday 17th July – Reports to parents Wednesday 19th July – Parents meetings to discuss reports 21st July – Last day of Term Comments are closed.
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