Dear North Tawton Friends and Families, The end of this term marks halfway through our school year! We have certainly achieved a lot so far: making progress with improving our outdoor areas; further developing our curriculum and working with FONTS to put on great events. In terms of pupil achievement, we are working hard as a school and with others in our Trust to ensure all children are supported and challenged to be the best that they can be academically and personally. We have so many plans for the coming months, including: The Festival of Hope; a KS1 and lower KS2 zoo visit; further developing our outdoor areas; music concert; Rainbow Day; Y5 day at Escot; Y6 residential to France; lots more sporting events and of course further developing our curriculum which we are building and improving all the time. I am also looking forward to the longer days and warmer weather Spring and Summer promise! This week, as every week has been packed with exciting events including: Reception Phonics Meeting A group of parents came to school to join our reception class to learn more about our phonics programme Read Write Inc. Thank you Mrs MacDonald – parents said it was really helpful and supportive. Volunteer Meetings I held two Volunteer Welcome Meetings where parents and members of our local community came to find out more about roles they can play in our school, how to ensure children are safe and our relevant policies. I am so excited that so many people are passionate about supporting us and I look forward to thus building more and more. I’ll hold another meeting on Monday 27th Feb at 9.00 for people who could not make one of the meetings this week. Do come along, and / or nudge someone else to! Sports Events We had children represent our school at OCRA cross country and swimming events. As always their efforts and attitudes were commendable. Tiverton Museum Year 4 went to Tiverton Museum to learn more about their history topic Anglo Saxons. Leadership Conference On Thursday I had a really encouraging and productive day working with Trust leaders. We are working hard to be the best leaders of our services and schools so that our children have the greatest opportunities to thrive. School Disco What a fabulous end to the half term! A huge thank you to Rob Holmes for providing the music and light and our FONTS team for organising decorations and refreshments. A great time was had by all. Apologies that my photos are dark and blurry! Farewells
Miss Wallis and Mr Hunt have been working in Y4 over the past three months as an essential part of their course to qualify as teachers. Today we had to say goodbye ☹ We wish them all the very best in their careers ahead and thank them both for all their hard work. Class Blogs As always, please look at the class blogs to see what the pupils have been learning about this week. Wishing all of our families a very happy half term Tara Penny Principal Comments are closed.
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