.Dear North Tawton Families and Friends, What a fun packed, fabulous half term! I have really enjoyed working with the brilliantly talented and caring North Tawton staff team, what an asset to the school they are. I have loved getting to know the children, seeing them work hard, achieve goals and grow in confidence. When I am not in classes with children or working with staff here at North Tawton, I have been in meetings and conferences working with colleagues across the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust co constructing and developing the ways in which we are working together to give every child the best education and welfare we possibly can. We are working in partnership across the schools to share skills so that every child in every school benefits from the rich and diverse expertise we have across the Trust. It is exciting work and I look forward to sharing more with you over the coming weeks. I have really enjoyed my first six weeks as your Principal and I look forward to the next half term, after a rest in between! Sharing Assembly Thank you to those of you who joined us for our sharing assembly today. It was lovely to share with you what the children have been learning over the last six weeks. We had a wonderful variety of insights into our curriculum including rhyming couplet poetry, a call and response song, wise advice to keep healthy, bold scientific diagrams, an exciting propulsion demonstration, historical research, entertaining storytelling and marvelous maths work. I was really impressed with how well the children spoke about their learning. We have been focussing upon developing oracy skills this year. It was so good to see the children confidently speaking in full expanded sentences. Well done to all of our learners, I know I speak for the staff and parents when I say you made us very proud of you. Class Learning Do look at the class blogs each week to see what the classes have been learning. FONTS Update Monday 28th June 2021 – Bag2School - Bring tied black bags of donations for Bag2 School collection. Please see posts on Dojo and Facebook for more information about which items can be donated. Saturday 10th July 2021 – Summer Event – We’re working hard on the summer get together, and would love to hear from you if you’re able to spare some time on the day. You may have seen the virtual poster inviting new members to join the FONTS committee – securing the continuation of FONTS’ support for the school is really important….we’ve achieved lots, and there’s lots more we can do! Thank you for your continued support, FONTS Committee [email protected]/ or msg FONTS on Dojo Parking Please can we all be mindful of our local residents. If you need to drive to or from school, please park safely and courteously on the road in a marked space. If you are able to walk to school, even better. Under no circumstances should anyone be parking in private carparks. If there is a problem, please let me know. Dates for your diary Friday 9th July - Sports Day Details and contingency plan to be shared nearer the time. Saturday 10th July - FONTS event. With best wishes for an enjoyable half term break, Tara Penny Principal
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